Chapter 24: Give me a break!

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Disclaimer: Some parts are from the anime. Credits to the rightful owner.

Lelouch woke up early that morning, leaving the green-haired witch still asleep. He wants to relieve the fatigue he had earned these past days by going to school. Plus, it's been quite a long time since he last saw Shirley. He left the Southern Island and goes back home where he sees Nunally preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted with her usual sweet and warm smile.

"Good morning," he replied. He went first to his room and fixed himself. He bumped into Sayoko when he was on his way to the dining room.

"I will be going to school today," he said. "Thank you for filling up my absence last week."

"It was nothing," Sayoko replied. "But I didn't attend school this week since I have to work here. I sent a letter that you're sick so you're excused."

"Sorry for the trouble," says the raven-haired guy. Sayoko has been his proxy when he left to conquer the Southern Island and she has been a great help in making sure of Nunally's safety.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" Nunally asked while they're eating breakfast.

"Yes," he replied. "You should make sure not to get sick."

"Of course," Nunally replied with a smile.

After eating breakfast, Lelouch immediately heads to school and Shirley spotted him and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Lulu!!" she called out as she jumped from the stairs and Lelouch, who is worried and caring when it comes to the orange-haired girl, catches her in his arms. "I'm glad you're okay now!! We're planning to visit you this afternoon but since you're fine, there's no need anymore."

"You don't have to worry about me," says Lelouch feeling thankful that he came that day before they could discover that he isn't actually sick but he had left the house for business. "Have you been in good health?"

"Of course I am!!" Shirley replied. "I wouldn't want to get sick and make you worry."

"That's good, then," Lelouch says with a smile.

The two head to the classroom where Milly and the others are discussing about the making of the huge pizza this day since it wasn't successful during the cultural festival. Upon setting eyes on Lelouch, Milly immediately jumped on him.

"You are so carefree, aren't you? Mr. vice-president," she said with a smile but behind that smile is an angry Milly. "Anyway, you will take care of the ingredients of the pizza we're going to make. Make sure they'll be delivered before 3 pm."

"I get it," he replied as he stuggled to free himself from the grip of the president.

"Don't treat him so roughly, Milly," Shirley said. "He just got well."

"Shirley, why don't you help him with his work to make sure it will be done properly," Milly replied.

"Yes, ma'am!" Shirley responded as she salutes towards Milly.

"Good response," Milly replied. "Hmmm... we should cosplay as military soldiers someday. It's a good theme."

"I think that's not a good idea, prez," Rivalz commented but he was just ignored.

After that, Lelouch and Shirley are contacting the different delivery trucks which would bring the ingredients to the school. Shirley secretly smiles since she'll be working with her crush alone. Milly looks at her and gave her a thumbs-up and a wink which she responded with a thank you.

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