Chapter 17: The Unforeseen Event

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Princess Cornelia gathers her troops upon finishing her plan on setting up Zero and the Black Knights. But Zero already knows that they're up to something, thus, he's preparing for his counterattack.

"Kallen, Neil, Troy, and Travis, you will come with me at the festival but keep your guards up because Cornelia is planning something," says Zero. "C.C, you come,too, you will serve as the distraction when we're in a dire situation."

"I get it," C.C replies who is still in the quarters of Zero. After changing, she gets out and smiles at everyone.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Zero asks, pissed off.

"A yukata, of course. When it says festival it also means wearing a good yukata," replies the witch. She is wearing a black yukata with red crows as its pattern. "I will blend in with the crowd and it doesn't pose a threat."

"Princess Cornelia announced this morning that the royal family will attend the festival so I am assured she's luring us in it. Kallen, stay at your position with Gawain until I give you the signal to attack. Neil and Troy, keep your eyes on Princess Cornelia as well as Guilford. Travis and I will keep Lancelot on check," says Zero, ignoring the nonsense of C.C.

They all head out and when the festival begins, everything is normal. Until then, the people welcomed the royal family but the emperor is not seen. Prince Schneizel, Prince Clovis and Princess Cornelia are sitted on the their respective thrones, leaving the center seat reserved for Emperor Charles.

"Are you sure we will lure out Zero with just this?" Prince Clovis asks.

"Of course, he will," replies the princess with confidence. "We are gathered in one place and he will take this chance to take us down at the same time."

"Okay, let's just wait and see, then," says Prince Schneizel.

Suzaku, who is piloting the Lancelot, is with Guilford, guarding the three royalties. Overlooking the people at the festival, Prince Schneizel sees someone familiar. He observes that person and he is assured that he knew that person. He signals Kurt, his right hand in command, to come near him.

"Your Highness, you called," he says.

"That person, capture her," he orders while pointing at a woman. "Don't make it obvious."

"Right away, Your Highness," Kurt replies.

While a woman is eating her apple candy and watching the goldfishes, she is suddenly grabbed by an unknown man and was injected with a sedative-hypnotic drug.

"Let's postpone this plan, Cornelia," says Prince Schneizel. "I will show you something more interesting."

"What?!" Princess Cornelia blurted out. "No, we won't cancel the plan."

"Aren't you interested to see the person I have just caught?" the prince asks.

"Okay, fine," the princess gives up. The three of them left the festival together.

"What the hell is going on?" Zero asks as he watches the three siblings leave the festival. "Did something come up?"

"Neil, where are they headed to?" Zero asks.

"They're heading at the Britannian Hall," replies Neil.

"Let's retreat,then," Zero orders and all of them heads back to the headquarters.

"Why did we retreat?" asks Kallen.

"I don't know why but the three left and are seems to be in a hurry," replies Zero. "I wonder what happened."

"Prince Schneizel called one of his men earlier. After that, the princess had a sudden outburst, she seems to be shocked. Then, she calmed down sooner before they left," says Neil.

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