The Touch Of A Mother

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It was another day for Lelouch to wake up early for school. He had CC stay back in the Southern Island to avoid being captured once again.

He took a shower and put on his uniform. He swiftly went down to the dining hall where his beautiful and gentle ypunger sister is eating her breakfast.

"Let's eat," Nunally said with a sweet smile.

Lelouch kissed her forehead before saying, "I'll pass, sorry. I'll head to school. Let us have dinner together tonight."

"Okay," his younger sister replied.

Lelouch nods towards Sayoko before leaving the house. On his way, Rivalz who is riding on his motorbike stopped in front of Lelouch.

"Hey, hop on," Rivalz said as he throws the helmet to the raven-haired guy.

"Thanks," Lelouch said.

"It's been a while since we both went to school together," Rivalz said, "You've been absent often, is everything alright?"

"Yes," Lelouch replied. "How about we go to the Britannian Hall after class?"

"Though I am against your gambling habit, I will go with you. It has been also a while since we did that," replied the dark-blue haired guy.

Lelouch was able to experience a day that nothing out of the ordinary has happened. And just as he planned with Rivalz, the two headed to the Britannian Hall.

"Arenyou going inside with me?" askwd Lelouch as he gives his helmet back to Rivalz.

"Sorry, Lelouch," Rivalz apologized, " Something came up so I need to go home early."

"Is that so?" Lelouch replied. "Then, head back home."

"See you tomorrow," Rivalz said as he leaves.

Lelouch makes his entrance amd just as e had expected, the hall is filled with nobilities. He could see the arrogance in each of their faces.

"Hey, you," a man with a hoarse voice called out. Lelouch looked at his direction to show his interest.

"Are you that Lamperouge who is said to be good in chess?" the noble man asked. His head is held high to show how intimidating he is. But Lelouch simply smirked and looked down on him.

"Yes," he replied. "That is me, want to have one game with me?"

"Such arrogance you've got, brat. Sit down and I will teach you a lesson," the man said. Lelouch did sit across him. He brought out his credit card and laid it on the table.

"If you win, you can have all of my property," he said, "but if you lose, grant me one wish I ask for."

The man laughed as if he heard some jokes. He calmed down after some minutes and cleared his throat," If you say so, Lamperouge."

The chess game began, as the clock ticks, the man is winning with no problem at all.

"Is this what you call a genius?" he snorted as he takes down another chess piece from Lelouch's.

"Yes, this is what I am," Lelouch replied as he moves his queen. "Checkmate."

The man froze in place as he realizes that he couldn't do anything to keep the game going. Lelouch smirked in triumph as he watches the dark expression of the nobleman.

"Now, for our deal," he said, " I will talk with you when I visit you at your own home."

"Arrogant brat," the noble man said. "A deal is a deal."

The man took his leave out of embarassment of being defeated by a high school young boy. Lelouch was about to another nobleman to have a game with, someone suddenly sat down across him.

Lelouch stared at her rouge-red eyes. Her petite build makes her look like a fragile maiden. Her light pink hair tied in a ponytail suits the shape of her face.

" May I?" she asked as she arranges the chess pieces.

"Sure," Lelouch replied with a nod.

Another chess game has started.

"Anyway, I am Anya," said the girl, " Anya Alstreim."

"Yeah," Lelouch simply said. Anya stared at him with both her eyebrows raised.

Lelouch got what that means and introduced himself.

"Lelouch Lamperouge," he said as he makes his move.

"You've grown up a lot," said Anya as she touches his hand which sent a chill down on Lelouch's spine. "It seems that you've became a man."

Lelouch got confused at that time. He never met the girl before and yet she is talking as if they had encountered each other once.

"It seems that you are doing fine," Anya said as she makes her move as well. "Lelouch vi Britannia."

Lelouch stared at the girl in front of him. He stood up and turned her back away from their table, away from them.

"Wait!" Anya said as she grabs his hand. Lelouch immediately retreated back to avoid physical contact with Anya.

"You should not do that," he said, referring to the incident of Anya touching him. He took his exit and left Anya with a small smile on her lips.

"Did he know it was me?" Marianne thought to herself before leaving as well.

Lelouch went home with a confused state of mind.

"Is it possible?" he asked himself. "But I've seen her die before. She died right in front of me. She is no longer alive."

Lelouch wasn't able to sleep well that night so he grabbed his coat and headed to the Southern Island before dawn came.

He entered in CC's quarters and saw the green-haired witch sleeping soundly while hugging her Cheese-kun.

He sits on the edge of the bed and shakes the woman's shoulder lightly. CC moaned a little before going back to sleep. She tightened the blanket around her and burrowed her head on Cheese-kun.

This time, Lelouch shook her shoulder a little bit harder than before. CC immediately sat down which startled Lelouch.

"What?!!" she exploded as she set her peircing eyes on the man who woke her from her slumber.

"I want to discuss something with you," Lelouch said seriously and CC caught the grasp that the matter must be urgent.

She yawned and stretched before going to the bathroom.

"I'll fix myself first," she said, "You must have missed me that much that you can no longer wait for an hour to wake me up."

Lelouch simply rolled his eyes upon hearing the witch's statement.

After some minutes, CC came out from the bathroom wearing her straitjacket. She flops on her bed and looks at Lelouch.

"Is it possible that my mother, I mean Marianne is still alive?" he asked directly.

"What do you think?" CC threw another question instead of answering.

"That may be possible," the rave-haired guy stated. "You not being on a state of surprise assured me that she is indeed alive."

"So, what do you plan now?"

"We'll still push through with our original plan," LElouch replied. "If she gets on the way, then so be it. Marianne is surely just a pawn for the emperor."

"My," CC teased,"You've grown up."

"Shut it," Lelouch snapped at her. "Gather the Black Knights at 10 am. I'm going to get some sleep."

With that said, Lelouch laid down on the bed and drifted to sleep as CC watches him go to slumber.

"Idiot," she whispered.

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