Chapter 11: Shirley's Scarf

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"What will be your next move?" C.C asks Lelouch when they arrived at his room.

"Let's just wait what will Clovis do next," Lelouch replies as he takes off his mask. "I have to go to school tomorrow to avoid suspicion about my absences."

"Hmm," C.C simply groans after taking off her straitjacket and she lays down on her bed.

The next morning, Lelouch goes to school and Milly drags him to the Student Council Room.

"You seem to be in good health, Lelouch. So, who do you think is behind the mask of Zero?" Milly asks.

"Why are you asking me?" Lelouch replied.

"Hmm, aren't you curious?" asks the president. Lelouch simply shrugs. Their attention diverts to the televesion where Princess Cornelia is speaking to the public.

"This Zero and the Black Knights are planning a rebellion against the empire. Their goal is just like what Zero said. But do not panic, I, Princess Cornelia, am going to hunt them down and stop their rebellion together with my own army," says the princess.

"A rebellion, huh. It's becoming a chaotic situation," the president states. "Well, anyway, we better go back to class. It's almost time."

Lelouch notices Shirley being unusually silent so he speaks with her.

"Shirley, is something the matter?" he asks.

"Well, uhm... It's nothing," the orange haired girl replies and she rushes to the door. Lelouch sees her holding a bag and wondered what it could be she's hiding.

Lelouch is on his way to their classroom when he sees Suzaku. He feels bad that they're enemies once again since he has been his best friend for a long time.

"Lelouch," Suzaku calls out.

"Hey, you seem tired," Lelouch replies.

"Well, it can't be helped, can it? We fought the rebels yesterday and I couldn't sleep well last night," says the brown haired guy. "I heard you were sick yesterday, are you doing fine now?"

"Yes," Lelouch simply replies.

"But those rebels, I wonder what their true motive is. I don't understand them, causing chaos and ruining peace isn't a good way to help those who are weak," stated Suzaku. Lelouch is about to say something but Rivalz came.

"Hey, you two, the teacher's here. Hurry up," he says, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Negotiation isn't going to work with the Britannians. All they want is everything will be under their control. Sometimes, force is the best way to create a peaceful place," Lelouch thought.

On the other hand, C.C is wandering around Lelouch's house since she's really bored. When she passes by the garden, Sayoko, the maid, notices her.

"Excuse me," she says making C.C stop on her track and looks back at her. "How did you enter in this place? You're not lost, aren't you?"

"Oh, I ain't lost. I am just looking around since I have nothing else to do," replies the immortal witch.

"May I ask who you are? I won't overlook a trespasser," says Sayoko.

"I'm Lelouch's acquaintance. Ask him if you doubt me," replies C.C.

"Then, please, make yourself at home."

While wandering on her own, C.C bumps into Nunally who just came from school. Nunally stops walking and stares at the beauty walking towards her.

"Welcome home, Nunally," C.C greeted.

"Uhm.... Who might you be?" Nunally asks. "She's so beautiful. Not to mention her body."

"Call me C.C or if you prefer sister, it's all right," replies the green haired girl.

"Sister?" Nunally says with a doubt. Just then, her eyes widen. "Could it be that she is my brother's girlfriend? But what about Shirley?"

"When will your brother come home?" asks C.C as she realizes that Nunally is misunderstanding her relationship with Lelouch.

"I think he will come home this afternoon but he won't be coming home today for lunch," Nunally replies. "Why don't we eat lunch together, then?"

"Of course," replies C.C.

On the other hand, Lelouch is about to go home when Shirley walks towards him with her hands at her back.

"Lulu," she calls out.

"Shirley, do you need something?" asks the prince.

"Nothing in particular," replies the orange haired girl. "It's getting cold these days, right?"

"Yeah," says Lelouch.

"I just want to give this to you," says Shirley as she puts on the scarf around Lelouch's neck. "I knitted it just for you so please use it."

Lelouch, who just recovered from sudden surprise, smiles at Shirley.

"I will use it," he says. "And treasure it."

With those remarks, Shirley blushes but still manages to look at Lelouch eye to eye.

"Thank you, Lulu," she says with a smile.

"I should be the one saying that. Thank you, Shirley," says the prince as he pats her head.

Their lovey-dovey moment is interrupted by the ringing phone of the prince.

"You can answer it. I will be heading home first," says Shirley.

"Be careful on your way," Lelouch says as he waves his hand in farewell. "Hello?"

"The Britannian Army are transferring the Knightmare Frame Gawain, one of the best Knightmare Frames. We should get it in our possession says Kallen," C.C says who is currently in Lelouch's room.

"Tell me the details at the headquarters. Tell Kallen to go there as well. I will be there in an hour," replies Lelouch as he hurries back home.

C.C puts on her straitjacket and she decided to eat some pizza before going to the headquarters. The door suddenly opens and Lelouch glares at C.C whom he thought is in the headquarters.

"Didn't I tell you to go to the headquarters?" Lelouch says.

"Let's go together," C.C replies.

The two head to the headquarters where Kallen and the others are waiting for their arrival.

"Zero," says Kallen as Zero and C.C is on sight. "At the western border is where the Gawain is being located from. It will be transferred here at the Central City by the army of Princess Cornelia. We should be more extra careful in this case because the Princess is on the way," Kallen explains.

"I see," Zero says. "Princess Cornelia is in charge since she knows that we will come for the Gawain. I will tell you the designated plan soon," says Zero. "C.C, come with me. I have to tell you something."

C.C follows Zero in his private quarter.

"Flirting in front of us, how bold," Neil commented as the two are out of sight.

"Tch, he's not taking this seriously," Kallen scoffs in irritation.

"I think they're not flirting. I think C.C is the right hand-in-command of Zero," Haru stated.

"Who knows, they seem to be a couple to me. The way they come and go together here in our quarters is quite suspicious," Troy says.

On the other hand, C.C is teasing the raven-haired prince.

"You're knights are thinking that we're a couple. Aren't I too good for you?" C.C asks with a smirk. "And I think you should tell them our real connection, your lover looks mad a while back."

Lelouch simply glares at her since arguing with the immortal witch will only drain his energy and will only irritate him in a lot of ways.

"Shut it, witch," Lelouch says before explaining their plan to C.C.

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