All - Out War III

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At midnight, Lelouch and CC are already on their way back to the Southern Island. They've prepared the things they need to prepare and somehow, they've recruited quite a lot.

"When will you plan on attacking?" CC asked.

"Tomorrow night," Lelouch replied.

Upon their arrival, Lelouch gathered the Black Knights. He explained to them every detail of their plan and wanted them to go as planned. No matter what, losing ain't a choice for they're giving all what they've got.

"Kallen and I will be piloting the Gawain while CC will take Guren," Lelouch summed up. "Take your rest for we will start the final battle tomorrow night."

The Black Knights went to their quarters but Kallen stayed and asked Lelouch if they could talk, just the two of them. CC, who isn't in the mood to joke around, went to Lelouch's room.

"What's with the sudden all-out war?" Kallen asked with an angry voice. "Do you think we could take them all? The Britannian troops are almost ten thousand and we're like only ten."

"Don't you have any trust in me, Kallen? The number of allies we have is more than ten. You don't have to worry about it. CC and I have already taken care of it. You just have to concentrate on what is ahead of you. Go and take a rest," Lelouch briefly explained.

Kallen, who had been impatient and annoyed for his absence, grabbed his hand and kissed him. Lelouch froze in surprise. Kallen left without saying a thing. After some time, Lelouch recovered and simply ignored the kiss. He went to his room and saw CC sound asleep while hugging her favorite orange plush, Orange-kun. He went for a shower before laying down beside her.

"CC," he said while flicking the witch's forehead. The green-haired woman switched her position with her back facing the raven-haired guy. Lelouch didn't back out either, he shook her shoulder, wanting her to awake.

With her eyebrows almost meet up on the middle of her forehead, CC wakes up and glared at the former prince.

"What?!" she hissed.

"For you, will we be able to win the fight?" he asked. CC looked at him, quite confused. "It's not like I do not believe we'll win, I just want to ask your opinion."

CC's expression softens, this time, it's her turn to flick his forehead.

"Of course, we'll win," she replied. "Don't go doubting yourself if you're leading loyal colleagues. They have trust in you so you must try your hardest to win the war. Plus, ain't you lucky to have me fight by your side?"

"I just feel kind of uneasy," Lelouch admitted. "I don't know if it's because of excitement or anxiety."

"That is inevitable, of course," CC said. "But you've got to control your emotions everytime. If your emotions overwhelm you, then you're likely make a wrong decision."

"I get your point," said Lelouch before closing his eyes to sleep. Just then, he felt CC's arm wrapped around him as she snuggled closer.

"You seem nervous," CC said with a sleepy voice. "This will help."

Lelouch smiled as he wrap his arm around her as well before drifting off to sleep.

The dawn arrived and CC woke up earlier and didn't bother waking up Lelouch. She wore the suit that is like that of Lelouch's. She'll be once again acting as his double. After preparing, Lelouch is still sound asleep so she has no other choice but to wake him. She took off his blanket as well as his pillow but Lelouch didn't wake up. She shook his shoulder as long as she could until Lelouch opened his eyes.

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