Chapter 21: The Massacre

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Disclaimer: some part of this chapter originally happened at the anime, I only made a few changes. Credits to the rightful owner of Code Geass.

Zero goes to the headquarters early in the morning. Upon arriving, Kallen has already prepared the Gawain and she's just waiting for him to arrive.

"Drop me off at the back entrance. After that, you'll have to wait for me. No matter what happens, don't come out from your hiding place until I say so," says Zero.

"Yes," Kallen simply replies.

The two heads at the Fuji mountain where the Japanese are starting to gather for the announcement of Princess Euphemia. Kallen brings Lelouch at the back entrance where he could enter and confront the princess.

"Hide somewhere you could overlook the whole place," Zero orders Kallen before entering.

When he's inside, Princess Euphemia is nowhere to be seen. After a while, a beautiful pink-haired girl opens the door and is shocked to see Lelouch.

"Lelouch?!" Princess Euphemia gasped. "Why are you here? And why are you wearing those clothes. They look like Zero's."

"Euphie, I came to confirm if you're really giving freedom to the Japanese," Lelouch replies. "I am Zero and I will do all means to protect the Japanese from being oppressed. If you continue to deceive them, I will protect them. If my death grants them their freedom, then, shoot me right here and tell everyone that Zero has died."

"What?!" the princess exclaimed in surprise. "You couldn't be Zero. You're a Britannia, Lelouch. And the Special Administrative Zone of Japan is given to the Japanese. We all agreed to that even the Emperor and Prince Schneizel. If you're still doubting, I am willing to give up my title for them. Lelouch, stop the rebellion and I promise you that I won't tell a single person that you're Zero. And I can't shoot you, you know that you're a special person to me."

"You're willing to give up your title? It seems that you're desperate to give the Japanese their freedom as well. Is it because of Suzaku?" asks Zero. "Then, why don't you kill the Japanese who has attended this ceremony?"

"I can't possibly do that," Princess Euphemia retorted. Zero sighs and gives her a smile. "The Japanese are also part of the Britannian Empire. They're also people who get hurt like us. Killing them will only increase chaos and hatred of the Japanese to the Britannian Empire. And I won't do anything that would make Suzaku sad and I would never forgive myself if I did something as murdering innocent people."

"You're right," he agrees. "Then, I will help you--"

Zero is suddenly cut off when Princess Euphemia grabs the guns lying on the tables and speaks.

"Kill the Japanese," she says and ran off to the stage where the Japanese are waiting for her.

"What?!" Lelouch exclaims. "What happened?!"

He puts on his mask and runs after Princess Euphemia. Upon arriving at the stage, he was too late. Princess Euphemia already pulled the trigger, shooting the Japanese without hesitation. She seems to be not her usual self. Zero's mind is on panic, not knowing what to do first due to a lot of questions going through his mind. He is completely confused on what's going on.

"Euphie, stop!!" he yells but the princess simply looks at him for a brief moment before she continues shooting. Zero's eyes widen upon seeing that the princess is under control of his geass. The people scream and bellow in shock and grief of the deaths of their fellow kinsmen. Their cries of pain and anguish echoes at the place. Kallen, who is watching from afar, couldn't bear to watch them being killed helplessly.

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