Chapter 5: The Lost Item

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C.C wakes up lazily as she rubs her eyes. She looks at the time and it is already 10 in the morning. She stands up and heads to the bathroom and it took her 30 minutes to finish her bath.

She wears her uniform and brushes her silky hair. She goes to the kitchen and heats up the leftover pizza in the microwave. After eating, she heads to school and is only able to attend the last class in the morning.

"Lelouch, have you forgotten that the school cafeteria do not accept credit card payment?" Suzaku reminds Lelouch who is about to get his credit card from his back pocket. "That's okay. I will pay for it."

"Thanks. It's just too troublesome for me to bring cash. Credit card is way better," says Lelouch.

C.C gazes at the two boys as they leave the cafeteria. A smirk is formed on her lips as she bites her last piece of pizza.

After classes have ended, Lelouch decides to go first to the student council room before going to another chess game. On his way, C.C passes by swiftly on his side bumping him slightly.

C.C looks back for a moment and slightly bows her head as a sign of apology. C.C enters the clubroom first before Lelouch.

"Cecile, I'm glad you came to visit. But Nunally isn't here. She has an urgent business to attend to," Milly greets before looking at Lelouch. "I bet you came here to say you're going home early, huh, Lelouch?"

"You've got it right, president. Anyway, the festival is already tomorrow so I have to go to the chess game now before I get caught up in your game," replies Lelouch as he closes the door.

"Hey, before leaving, could you go get us some ingredients for the pizza competition tomorrow?" asks Milly.

Lelouch is about to give her his credit card but he couldn't find it. He checks his pockets but there's no sign of his credit card.

"What's wrong, Lulu?" asks Shirley as she notices his troubled movements.

"I couldn't find my credit card," replies Lelouch.

"Maybe you have dropped it since you kept it in your back pocket," says Suzaku upon remembering what happened during lunch when Lelouch put his credit card in his back pocket.

"You're being careless, Lulu. Why don't we go and look for it?" Shirley suggested.

"Well, we could but we will have a twist in searching. I'm going to the broadcasting room, you go first," Milly says and left the room in lightning speed.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I'm starting to think that Milly is going to make another crazy stuff," Suzaku says.

"Cecile, you're leaving already?" asks Rivalz who noticed the girl taking her exit.

"Yes," C.C simply answers.

After a while, an unexpected announcement is broadcasts throughout the school campus.

"Attention!! Students of Ashford Academy!!! This is Milly Ashford speaking. Anyway, since the festival is tomorrow and the treasure hunting starts early, I have a warm up game for all of us. Since this is urgent, there are no clues but the treasure is a credit card owned by Lelouch vi Britannia. The price of the founder will be one wish to be granted by the owner. Without further ado, let the game begin!!!!"

After the announcement, students who haven't gone home starts searching for the treasure. They could ask anything they want, it may be the money or the owner himself.

"That Milly, she always does whatever she wants," Lelouch utters.

"Well, that's how she is. You better find that credit card if you want to get out from any trouble," Suzaku tells him.

"She's so troublesome," Lelouch scoffs.

While the others are busy searching in every nook and cranny of the school, C.C is busy eating her pizzas. She even had a take out after eating in the Pizza Hut.

"This sure is good," she says to herself while eating pizza and on her other hand, she is holding five boxes of freshly made pizza and a black card. "I need to have a good rest after this."

After some time, she finally makes it to her destination. She enters at the back door and wanders around the wide hallways. She frequently hides whenever a person appears. She enters in a room and saw a picture on a table.

She smirks and puts down the boxes of pizza before taking off her clothes. She opens the closet, gets a white polo and wears it with only her undergarments under it. She throws herself on the bed and positions herself comfortably while eating another box of pizza.

After eating, she gets a magazine and reads trying to free herself from boredom. While reading, she hears the door creaking open but didn't bother to see who came in. She continues reading but a yell fills the room which kind of irritated her.

"What the!!!! What are you doing in my room?!!" Lelouch shouts as he shuts the door quickly as to not catch any attention.

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