Chapter 35: The Knight

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Suzaku is in his private quarters, preparing for the testing of his renewed Knightmare frame, Lancelot. While getting ready, a soft knock is heard on the door.

"Come in," he said, "the door isn't locked."

The door slowly opened and a blond boy entered in his chambers. He sat on the chair and faced Suzaku.

"And who might you be?" Suzaku asked.

"Simply call me VV," the visitor said.

With confusion, Suzaku starts to have his guard up and it was noticed by the immortal guy.

"Oh, don't worry, dearest loyal knight. I am no enemy, I will become your companion, if you'd let me. Perhaps, you wanted to know who killed your beloved Euphemia and who is behind the mask of Zero," the guy said which totally caught the attention of the knight.

Suzaku turned grim upon remembering his beloved lying down on her coffin like a sleeping beauty. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in anger.

"What do you want in exchange?" he finally asked. "I'm sure you didn't come here without some exchange in mind."

"You're sharp and intelligent, Suzaku. Before anything else, I am going to tell you what a geass is and then we could also discuss my terms and conditions before we make this contract," VV replied.

Suzaku sat down on his bed and listened intently to the explanation of the immortal boy.

"I am a code bearer of geass, a power that no ordinary human have. Since I am a code bearer, I am immortal and can't die whatever injury or wound I am going to have. This geass could be granted to anyone chosen by me. The geass could grant you one specific power you want." VV paused for a while, giving time for the knight to process what he just said.

"The reason why Zero is successful in his missions that's becausehe possesses a geass," VV added.

That time, Suzaku realized why Zero has become more powerful than Princess Cornelia. It all makes sense now.

"Who is behind the mask?" Suzaku asked with clenched fist.

"Oh, you know him very well," VV replied. "You will soon know who it is. For now, will you be willing to form a contract with me? I will grant you a geass to protect the people you love. This power could help you achieve your goals, whatever it is. You will become stronger and be able to kill the person who have killed Princess Euphemia."

Suzaku stood quiet for a while. He sighed and shook his head in disagreement.

"I will kill Zero with my own hands without the power you're offering. So, I won't agree to that contract you're saying," he replied as he grabs his gloves from his drawer.

He heads to the door and turned the knob to leave the room.

"Thanks for the offer though," Suzaku said before leaving the blond guy alone.

"Geez, what a hardheaded guy," VV said to himself as he leans back comfortably on the chair. "But I like that attitude, he may be the perfect medium of the code."

Suzaku, on the other hand, is in the training hall where Lancelot is kept. While staring at his knightmare frame, Nina stands beside him.

"That knightmare suits you," The timid girl said, "It will help you in proving your loyalty to the country and it would aid you in capturing Zero."

"You're right," he simpky replied. Then, a sudden realization hits him. He remembered that VV knew who Zero is and he had forgotten to ask him again who is the guy behind that mask.

"If I agreed to that blond guy, is it possible that he could tell me who Zero is?" he thought. He clenched his fist and entered the knightmare.

"The test of Lancelot's upgrade is about to begin," Nina said and with the help of her superiors, they've tested Lancelot if his skills have improved and nothing is wrong upon usage.

After the testing phase, Suzaku decided to look for VV once again.

When he left his quarters, he saw one of his colleagues who stayed in the hallway when he left before.

"Hey, have you seen a blond little guy? He's about the size of a 4th grader. His hair is long and ends at his hips," Suzaku asked but the guy shook his head.

Suzaku checked the vicinity hoping that he would find the guy. That little guy would help him uncover and defeat Zero.

And he could have his revenge if he had acquired the so-called geass.

Giving up on searching for the blond guy, Suzaku ended up at Ashford Academy where he bumped into Lelouch whom he haven't seen for quite a while.

"Where have you been all this time?" he asked the raven-haired guy.

"Just went on a short break," Lelouch replied. "You seem to be looking for something."

"Ah, I'm looking for someone. He's like a 4th grader with a long blond hair," Suzaku described. "Hmm, he's also got the purplish eye color. Have you somewhat seen him?"

"You seem to be describing the emperor's brother when he was young but that would be impossible since he's long gone," the former prince said.

"The emperor's brother?" Suzaku asked with curiosity.

"Hhahaha, don't let it get go through your head, he's already dead," Lelouch said as he pats his shoulder. "Should I help you in finding him?"

"That would be a great help but it's okay. I can find him myself," Suzaku replied. "See you around."

"Ok, good luck," the raven-haired guy said before entering the room and met Milly.

Suzaku headed to the school library and looked for a book about the royal family.

He has the feeling that the guy he just met that morning is the brother of the emperor.

After scanning for about 2 minutes, he found a picture of the emperor while he was young, he was with a guy around his age with purple eyes and long blond hair that ends up on his shoulder.

He was exactly the guy whom he talked with.

"Victor Zi Britannia," he read. "He really is the brother of the emperor. But how could he look so young? It's too impossible for him to stay like that after how many years."

"It is possible," a familiar voice said. Suzaku looked across him and there he saw the guy he'd been looking for, sitting across him.

"I just told you about the geass, right? And I have the code so I am immortal, kill me now but I would still be revived," the blond guy said.

Lots of question are swirling inside the knight's mind and he is desperate to know all the answers. He let out  sigh and closed the book he was looking at.

"Is your offer still on?" he asked and VV smirked with excitement.

"Now, we're talking," he said.

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