Chapter 20: The Comfort She Gives

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Upon arriving at home from the headquarters, Lelouch immediately flops on his empty bed. He looks at the couch where he usually sleeps on which is now occupied by two large Cheese-kun plush dolls.

"Getting used to that witch's presence is kind of scary," he mutters to himself. "I feel weird."

"Brother, dinner is ready," says Nunally after knocking. "You better hurry up before the food gets cold."

"Yes, I will be there soon," Lelouch replies lazily. After taking a shower, he heads to the dining room where Nunally is waiting for him.

"Has Cecile left?" his sister asks. "I haven't seen her for quite a long time."

"I don't know," lied the raven-haired guy. "Why'd you ask anyway? Do you need something from her?"

"Nothing in particular. I'm just used to see her around especially in your room," replies Nunally. "Even Sayoko is asking where she has gone to."

"Is that so?" Lelouch says in almost a whisper level tone. Nunally blinks a few times, surprised, due to her brother's weak response. Lelouch notices his sister's sudden silence.

"What?" he asks when he meets her gaze.

"Cecile!!" Nunally suddenly exclaims while pointing behind Lelouch. The raven-haired guy's eyes widen in shock so he immediately stands up and looks behind him.

"You witch!!!" he calls out but he immediately got mad at his sister for playing such cheap and old trick. "You trickster." C.C isn't even there. It is just Nunally's joke.

"Brother, how could you call your girlfriend a witch?!" Nunally explodes. "She's so beautiful and yet she chose you despite being courted by a lot of handsome and good-looking guys so you shouldn't call her such rude names!"

"What do you mean by that?!" Lelouch counters. "And she's not my girlfriend. Aren't you degrading your own brother?"

"Maybe Cecile has left you because you keep on denying your relationship with her!! You should hurry up and make up with her before she finds another guy!!" Nunally stated.

"Like I told you, she isn't my girlfriend! Are you even listening to me?" Lelouch says.

"If she's not your girlfriend, then, why does she sleep in your room?" Nunally asks. "Why does she wear your clothes? Why does you let her use your credit card?"

"Oi, Nunally," Lelouch tries to stop her sister from nagging but he failed in doing so.

"What else is the relationship of a guy and girl who lives in the same roof and stays in the same room? If she isn't your girlfriend then, why was she on top of you that other day? You're even comfortable in seeing her using your polo," Nunally continues. "You even went out on a date. You spent a lot of days with her. Tell me, which part of those is stating that she is not your girlfriend?!"

Hearing those words from his own sister made Lelouch blush like hell. He covers his face with his hands to hide his tomato-like face.

"And you're even blushing!" Nunally pointed out. "Well, if you want your relationship to be private, I respect that."

After such humiliating scene, Lelouch heads back to his room to have some rest. He had never thought that Nunally would keep on nagging at him since he didn't see her do that in the past. She isn't that talkative until she met C.C.

"Arguing with Nunally is as tiring as arguing with C.C," Lelouch says to himself.

The next morning, Lelouch wakes up late so he attended school late as well.

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