Chapter 15: Kallen's Moments

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Kallen is about to take her leave when she bumps into her biological mother who looks pale.

"Mother, you should go to rest," she says.

Her mother stops moving upon hearing her daughter calls her mother for the first time She smiles at her and holds her hand gently.

"I'm fine. You should get going so you could come home before the night falls," replies her mother.

"Then, be sure to take your medicine," Kallen reminded before taking her leave.

On her way, she sees C.C being surrounded by a lot of people.

"This girl, she has no sense of danger at all!!!" she scoffs. She is about to make her way to the crowd to take C.C away from the public eye but she is washed away from the crowd. She couldn't get near her because a lot of guys are pushing her away.

"Miss, would you like to become a model?" asks by an older man. "Visit our company if you're interested."

"Miss, you're way better to be an actress," says another man. "You could work with a lot of famous actors."

"Miss, it would be great if you become an idol," a woman says. "You could get tons of fans in just one concert."

"I am too busy to accept your offers. My boyfriend wouldn't be pleased if he sees me with another man. He would get mad if I am to be exposed too much," says C.C which made the  crowd disperse little by little.

As for Kallen, she makes her way to their underground headquarters with a mad and angry mood. Upon reaching the headquarters, Neil and the others could sense her evil aura.

"Where's Zero?" she asks with gritted teeth.

"He's in his quarters," replies Travis. Kallen heads to Zero's quarters with heavy footsteps.

"What's with her?" asks Hiro.

"I don't want to know," replies Roku. "Women sure are scary."

"I think I'm developing a fear of women," Leo shivers as he gets goosebumps.

Kallen, on the other hand, knocks at Zero's door. After some time, the door opens and she enters. She sees Zero looking at his computer.

"What do you need?" He asks as he faces his guest.

"Can I have a complaint?" asks Kallen.

"About what?" -Zero.

"About that C.C!!! Aren't you overlooking her reckless behavior?!! First, she went to my school just for the sake of pizza and what was worse is that Suzaku saw her!!! What if he suspects something???!!! Second, she is loitering around the town without a care in the world!! She's putting our group in danger!!! And last, I just saw her being surrounded by a lot of people asking her to enter the entertainment industry as a model or actress or idol!!! What if you shut her down in a room so she could not wander around whenever she wants??!!! What is even more irritating is that telling her to have a sense of danger is of no use!! She ignored my warning before!!! She's really making me mad!!" Kallen yells angrily.

Zero freezes for a moment since he didn't expect such an outburst from Kallen. He composes himself before speaking.

"I understand your concern, Kallen. I have already talked with C.C but just like you said, it's no use. I am asking you to be patient with her," Zero says in his calm voice. "She may be careless but she works efficciently."

"I know that since I've seen her do it but can she cover us up if we're discovered because of her?" Kallen insisted.

"Kallen, I would listen to your complain anytime you want but right now, I'm doing something so if you're done, then, please take your leave," says Zero. "I will leave C.C in your hands so you could discipline her yourself. I'm sure she won't win against you."

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