Chapter 27: The One Who Chooses

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C.C, who is currently  on the rooftop of the hotel they're staying at, is quite in a bad mood that night. As she stares at the beautiful night sight of Japan, the wind swiftly passes through her hair and it envelopes her with chill. But she didn't bother getting a jacket or any piece of cloth that could warm her. The chilly feel on her skin actually helps her calm down.

She hates it. She hates it when people see her as nothing but a tool to achieve their goals. She actually got mad when Lelouch and Mao are trying to get her on their side. It was as if implying that she belongs to either of them. She doesn't belong to anyone. She isn't owned by neither Lelouch nor Mao nor the Britannian Empire. The only one who owns her is herself alone. No one else.

"C.C," a familiar voice said behind her. She felt Mao covers her with a blanket. She wraps it around herself tighter.

"Are you thinking about Lelouch?" the guy asks as he also stares at the city. "You only need to stay with me. You don't have to go with him."

"I need to remind you, Mao, that I do not belong to you," C.C replies. "I do not belong to Lelouch either."

"I know," Mao simply mutters which is barely heard by the immortal witch.

A long silence followed after that. Without saying anything, C.C stands up and walks towards the stairs. Mao simply looks at her back as she slowly disappears from sight. He lets out sigh. He knew that he is no longer the favorite of C.C, if she ever had favorites besides pizza. He knew all too well that she's just staying with him just to make sure he doesn't go mad. How hard he wishes to turn back time. How he wished to go back to the times when C.C cared for her dearly. Is it wrong to fight for his love? Is it wrong?

The next morning, C,C wakes up with the smell of  freshly made pizza. She jumps off from her bed and heads to the kitchen where five boxes of pizza are laid. She immediately starts eating without combing her messed up hair. Like she cares if she looks presentable or not. In front of the pizza, it's a taboo to do anything else besides eating it. Well, that only applies to the green haired girl only.

While enjoying her last piece of pizza, she notices the silence of the room. She walks around with pizza on her mouth. She opens the room of Mao and sees no sign of him. She looks under the bed yet no Mao to be seen. She opens the bathroom, the closet, under the table and behind the curtains but still, no sign of Mao.

"Where did he go so early in the morning?" C.C asks herself as she walks in the kitchen and looks at the time. It's already 11 am but she said, "Is he in an urgent business? It's so early to leave the bed."

"Mao," she says, "are you in here?"

She opens the refrigerator, "Mao, you in here?"

No response replied to the immortal witch so she closes the refrigerator. She opens the different cabinets in the kitchen and repeatedly calls the name of Mao but no one replied.

"Mao, are you hiding in there?" she says as she peeks at the opening of the faucet. "It seems he's really in town."

C.C gives up looking for him so she flopped herself on the couch and watched some entertainment. While watching the anime entitled 'Kamisama Kiss', she sees the main character named Nanami looking for her familiar, Tomoe. She is curious as to where Tomoe is hiding so the immortal witch watched eagerly. Nanami, then, found Tomoe hiding in the mirror that Mikage owns.

C.C suddenly jumps off from the couch and went in her room. She looks at the mirror and touched it like how she watched Nanami do it.

"Mao, are you in here?" she asks but no response has replied so she went to every mirror and calls out Mao.

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