Chapter 33: Marianne Vi Britannia

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"Why did Guilford kill the princess?" Neil asked the group.

Ever since their battle ended, the Black Knights are in total confusion. They may have won the battle against Princess Cornelia but the way they won seems odd. They were able to win due to Guilford's treachery.

"That seems odd," Kallen commented. "Guilford is loyal and it's quite impossible for him to just kill the princess."

"Something must have happened," Roku said.

CC and Zero simply shut their mouth despite knowing the truth behind that act.

"Who cares about them?" Shio spat. "We don't have anything to do with them. Just let them kill each other. That would be easier and beneficial for us. Whatever happened, what matters the most is that we won."

"Shio's right. Let the Britannians kill their own kind," Travis agreed. "We should be thankful it turned out that way. It made our victory easier rather than have CC to be captured again."

"Kallen," Zero called out which made the red-haired girl startled.

"Y-yes!" she stuttered. This made CC smirk in amusement.

"Come with me for a while," Zero commanded as he heads in his private quarters. Kallen followed suit.

Before CC could enter in her own room, she held Kallen on her shoulders and whispered, "Enjoy."

Kallen glared at the green-haired witch but CC simply smiled and went in her room.

Kallen followed Lelouch, they passed by the small living room and the mini-library suddenly opened and showed another entrance to a room filled with screens. Kallen observed them and realized that the Britannian Hall is being showed. The royal guards are now fixing the mess caused by the battle. It seems that they've already retrieved the body of the princess as well as Guilford.

"What is this?" Kallen asked without taking her eyes off from the screens.

"This room is where I formulate the plans we're commencing every battle. I want you to have access to it just in case of emergency," Lelouch replied.

"What do you mean by that?" the red-haired girl asked in confusion.

"I can't be away from home for too long. Nunally will suspect something is wrong so I will be leaving tomorrow," Lelouch replied. "Take your time in here, I will be resting."

Lelouch was about to exit the room but Kallen suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and it shocked the raven-haired guy that he tripped on his foot. Kallen tried to catch him from falling but with no such luck, she fell on top of him.

Her hands seems to have pinned Lelouch down and their face are only inches apart. Kallen's and Lelouch's eyes widen in shock. They stayed that way for a long moment. Kallen blushed like hell and she snapped out from her sanity and pulled herself up.

"I'm sorry about that," she said and sat down, facing the screens to hide her red face from the former prince.

Lelouch stands up and left without saying a word. When she's sure she's all alone, Kallen held her chest tightly.

"Damn it!!" she cursed under her breath. "I thought my heart is going to skip out from my chest. My heart is beating so fast, dang it!!!"

On the other hand, CC is laying down on her bed with her eyes closed and a smirk is plastered on her face.

"He will succeed," she said. "And I will make sure of that."

"Don't be too assured, CC. You're all alone now ever since you left us," a gorgeous woman said. She is wearing an orange gown and her long, black hair is let loose on her back.

"Marianne Li Britannia," CC said the woman's name. "Your raven-haired son will be the one to take you down."

"Don't be silly," Marianne said with a giggle. "My emperor and I will succeed in our plan to renew this world. And even you, my dearest girl, wouldn't be able to stand in our way."

"Is that a challenge, Empress?" CC asked with amusement visible in her eyes.

"A challenge or not, it's up to you," Marianne replied with her bewitching smile.

CC opened her eyes once again and heads to Lelouch's quarters. Upon entering, she reflexively hid behind a wall when she sees Kallen blushing while talking to the raven-haired prince.

"I will live up to your expectations so you better not fail the Black Knights," the red-haired girl said before stomping out from the room. She didn't notice the green-haired witch since her mind is preoccupied by what had happened lately.

Lelouch let out a heavy sigh and he groaned in irritation when he saw CC coming out from her hiding place.

"What now?" he asked almost angrily.

The green-haired witch flopped on the sofa and grabbed her favorite plush, Cheese-kun.

"I was wondering," she started without looking at the prince.


"About your mother," CC paused and looked at Lelouch for any reactions. She saw him make a pained expression but still, she continued.

"The death of your mother has caused you great pain," she continued. "You were throwned here in Japan by your father. Nunally was traumatized that she had frequent dreams of the time your mother died."

"Shut up," Lelouch demanded with gritted teeth. His hands are clenched with his head hanging low. CC could sense his pain and anger.

"You were not treated like a royalty ever since your mother died," CC insisted. "To sum it up, it seems you are dependent of your mother."

"I said shut up!!!" Lelouch yelled which CC expected. The green-haired witch stood up with her plush and looked at Lelouch. She could still see the geass sign on his eye despite him wearing a contact lense. And in his eyes, she could see anger.

"If you react like that when it comes to your mother, then, you might as well reconsider fighting the emperor," she said as she walks out from the room.

"Why is my mother involved in this?" Lelouch asked as calm as he could. CC stopped on her tracks and looked back at the former prince.

"You will soon find out, boya," she simply replied before strutting her way out of the room, leaving Lelouch with confusion.

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