All - Out War II

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Princess Cornelia woke up inside a locked transparent room. She was enraged upon remembering what had happened. She punched the glass walls while shouting.

"Let me out of here! You dare lock me up!" she screamed. After a while, she saw Anya and the emperor coming towards her.

"Suzaku told us what had happened," Marianne said.

Basing on the manner Anya speaks, Princess Cornelia knew something was up. That the girl in front of her is not Anya herself but someone else.

"If he didn't make you lose consciousness, you could have died along with your troops," the emperor said. "Let me tell you a secret, Cornelia. Lelouch and Zero are only one, you see. He was only able to reach this far because I had let him be. And he has this geass power wherein he could command you anything and you have no other choice but to follow it. And back there at your encounter with him, he just ordered you to kill yourself and the destruction of your troop, ain't he powerful in some way?"

Princess Cornelia tried to absorb all the shocking information all at once. Then, a question popped up un her mind.

"But I wasn't able to carry out his orders," she said.

"Yes, you didn't because Suzaku made you lose your consciousness. The order he left you is still there. You can't counter that even if it is against your will. His geass is kind of special. It is not the geass that could be cancelled easily," Marianne said. "CC is the only one who could cancel it since she was the one who granted Lelouch that geass power."

"You'll have to stay in that box if you want to live," the emperor said. "I will bring Prince Schneizel back in order to command the troop in your stead."

Marianne and the emperor left the princess alone. Princess Cornelia felt ashamed of herself for being controlled by the enemy. She felt degraded.

VV, Marianne and the emperor are gathered in one room. VV, who was impatient, wanted to have an all-out war against Lelouch and the Black Knights but the emperor insisted that they should wait for Prince Schneizel who has the strongest troop among the siblings. VV informed the emperor that his son is not the only capable fighter and that Suzaku has been granted the power of the geass. He also has the ability to easily maneuver Lancelot.

On the other hand, Lelouch and CC has finally arrived at the Southern Island. The Black Knights were waiting for their arrival at the deck.

"Prepare the best knightmare frames we have, go to training and keep your body and mind in shape. An all-out war against the Britannian empire is about to commence in any moment. CC, you and I have something important to talk about," Lelouch ordered upon steppping out from the speedboat.

The Black Knights immediately followed his order while the other two are in the quarters of Lelouch.

"Care to explain all of the things I do not have any idea about?" Lelouch demanded.

CC knew that this is a critical moment so she has to clear all things at once. She sat across him and started explaining.

"The girl you saw I was talking to the other day is Marianne, residing in the body of Anya. Her geass power is transferring her spirit into someone else's. Your uncle, Victor zi Britannia, is like me who has lived through centuries and is immortal. He has granted Suzaku the power to foresee the glimpse of the future. And honestly speaking, going against them is impossible for us to be the victor. We have to pledge alliance with the other enemies of the Britannian empire to ensure victory," CC said.

"There is no need for alliance," Lelouch said. "We'll attack while they are gathering troops."

CC let out a heavy sigh. Knowing him, she knows that she can't change his mind so she has no other choice but to choose the last resort she'll plan on doing.

"If that is what you want, then you have to listen to my plan," she said.

"Let's hear it," Lelouch obliged.

CC told Lelouch about the World of Memories where geass users could only enter. In this place, they could destroy the other geass users even if they are immortal. The Black Knights will hold off the Britannian troops while they fight inside the World of Memories. CC and Lelouch had departed from the Southern Island to commence the first step of their plan. That is to command as many Britannian soldiers as many as possible who will fight alongside them against their own empire. This was possible of course with the geass power of Lelouch.

"We have to bring Nunally to a safe place where the emperor won't be able to lay a finger on her," CC said.

Just then, Lelouch remembered that he has a little sister to protect. CC saw his panic so she held his hand to calm him down.

"I already sent Haru to your place, I sent a letter with him so Nunally won't panic," she said. "Let us continue recruiting."

On their way, they accidentally bumped into Suzaku who seems to have finished training.

"Do you have some time to spare?" Suzaku asked calmly.

"Yeah," Lelouch simply replied.

"The emperor had kept your identity from the public in order not to cause turmoil," Suzaku started. "But why Lelouch? Why'd you resort to rebellion?"

"For Nunally," he simply replied. "This empire isn't a suitable place for her to live. Especially when she knew that the people ruling this place is the family who had abandoned us."

"We could sort things out in a peaceful way, Lelouch," Suzaku said, trying to convince his bestfriend.

"Not this time, Suzaku. The royalties are more evil than you think. They had been discriminating the Japanese, you've experienced that yourself. You have to know that this empire is far from going better. This place belongs to the Japanese. You should know that better than anyone," Lelouch said. He stood up from his seat and turned his back.

"The next time we meet, we'll be enemies," Lelouch said before they left.

"Why won't you convince him to come to our side?" asked CC.

"He has the freedom to choose what he wants to fight for," Lelouch replied. CC smiled.

"Having a soft heart towards him,eh," she teased to lighten up the mood a bit.

"Not now, witch," he said. "Where did Haru bring Nunally?"

"Sayoko knows a place, Haru escorted the two of them at the hideout located under the school grounds," CC replied.

"That's good, then," he said.

"What will you do to Shirley?" CC asked in curiosity.

"I can't blame her for her actions. Let's just let her be," Lelouch simply replied. "Plus, she isn't a threat to us."

"Don't you want to erase her memories?'' CC added.

"No," Lelouch immediately replied. "It is up to her to forgive me or not, it's her choice."

"You've grown up a lot," CC said as she held his hand and walked on a faster pace.


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