Chapter 30: Their Kiss

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That day was gloomy. The dark clouds covered the once bright and blue sky. Thunders could be heard once in a while as the rain continues to fall as if knowing how sad Shirley is. The thunder roars in a loud to moderate volume and lightning lights up the dark clouds. The weather this day fits perfectly for the girl who lost her father.

The orange-haired girl is standing on her father's grave with tears in her eyes and small sobs escaped from her. She lets the rain soak her.

She bit her lower lip to avoid crying out loud. She felt broken, really broken for she has loved her father dearly. He was her supporter and adviser. How could he die just like that?

"I won't forgive you," she whimpers. "I won't ever forgive you, Zero."

Far from her, someone is quietly observing her. When he saw Shirley knelt down, he walks towards her and covered her from the rain with his black umbrella.

"We should get going," Lelouch says in a soft voice as he offers his hand to Shirley. The girl simply looked down, feeling sorrowful.

"Lulu," she called out in a soft tone of voice. "Why? Why does it have to be father? He hasn't done any harm to anyone so why? Why is he killed?"

Lelouch couldn't reply. He was the killer after all. He simply knelt down before her and pats her head. He hugs her delicately.

"I'm sorry," he said with full sincerity. Shirley cried even more on his shoulder while he pats her head slowly.

"I... I can't accept this... Lulu, it hurts so much," Shirley sobbed. "It really, really hurts."

Lelouch lets her go and wipes off her tears. "I know," he said. "Stop crying, okay?"

Shirley couldn't help but blush a little when she became aware of how near Lelouch is. Their faces are only inches away from each other. She leans closer to him and closes the gap between as her tears continued to fall down.

"Tch," Kallen scoffed while watching the scene. She turns her back away from them and walks away. "Why did I even come here?"

As she walks away, a green-haired woman watches the two as the rain continues to soak her. A smile is formed on her lips upon assuring that everything is okay. She leans on the tree and stares at nothing specific.

"I was worried that Lelouch might break down," she says. "But it seems like I underestimated him."

"Lulu," Shirley says as she wipes off the tears from her eyes.

"What?" Lelouch replies.

"I want to go home," she says.

Lelouch brought her home before going back to Southern Island and he was expecting CC to be in his room but the witch is not there. After taking his shower, he went to the wide and silent lounge where he finds Leo alone.

"Have you seen CC?" he asks.

"No, I thought she was with you," Leo replies as he stands up. "Didn't the two of you leave the island together?"

"No, she was here when I left," Lelouch replied. "Maybe she's out there playing around like usual."

Lelouch left the lounge and went to his room. Leo, on the other hand, grabbed his coat and left the vicinity.

He knew where CC is, hoping he is right though. He jumped off the yacht and hurriedly went to the Pizza Hut resto. He entered as he looks around and immediately spotted the familiar lime-green hair sitting by the window. He could see her back and he knew she was chewing her favorite food.

CC looks back and sees Leo staring at her. A smirk was formed on her lips as she rested her chin on her hand.

"What are you standing there for?" she asks. With this signal, Leo walks towards her and sat across her.

"Don't you have any plans on going home?" he asks.

"I will go back once I've finished eating," the witch replies as she hands him a slice of pizza. "Eat."

"Thanks," Leo replied and eats the pizza.

Without their knowledge, someone was watching them from the outside. The image of Leo and CC is reflected on his violet eyes.

"Did she just share her pizza?" he muttered. "She never does that."

"Now you know how it feels. You stole CC away from me and it seems she is stolen away from you as well," a silver-haired guy said with a smirk.

"Mao, what are you doing here?" Lelouch asks calmly.

"Just wandering around," Mao simply replied and left him.

The moment Lelouch had turned his head to see CC and Leo, he almost had a heart attack upon seeing them in front of him.

"Running an errand, boya?" the green-haired witch asked. Leo was behind her with his hands in his pockets. He knew what Lelouch is doing here in town. He knew that Lelouch came looking for his witch. And before Lelouch could talk, Leo interrupted him.

"Let's go," Leo said as he puts his arm around CC's shoulder. "Someone might recognize you and it'll cause trouble."

"You're in a hurry," CC replies as she was dragged away from the Pizza Hut, leaving Lelouch alone. He scoffed before following the two.

End of the chApter.

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