Chapter 28: The Devil And Angel's Encounter

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Shirley is on her way home from school. On her way, she gets distracted by a shop of jewelries. She stops on her tracks and looks at the window where cute and sparkling necklaces, bracelets and rings are displayed. She stares at them with awe.

"It wouldn't hurt if I would just take a look, right?" Shirley mumbles to herself as she enters the shop. While looking around, she sees a beautiful and yet simple necklace. She stares at it and a sales lady comes into view.

"Would you like to take it, ma'am?" she asks with a smile. "Though it's simple, its simplicity and beauty attract attention. It would definitely suit you. And it might help you get noticed by your crush."

Upon hearing the word crush, Shirley blushes as Lelouch crosses her mind.

"Would Lelouch notice me if I wear something like this?" she asks in his mind.

Little did she know that in that same shop, a white-haired man notices her presence and upon hearing her said Lelouch in her mind. Mao looks at the direction of Shirley who is still blushing and he smirks.

"It's seems that I will be able to take revenge sooner," Mao thought. "But I should buy C.C a necklace first."

After fighting herself to whether buy the necklace or not, Shirley finally decides.

"I'll buy this necklace," she says.

"Please, wait a moment, ma'am," says the saleslady and while waiting, Shirley looks at the white-haired man beside her.

"I'll buy this," he says and the lady wraps the necklace the guy chose.

"That's for your girlfriend, right?" Shirley suddenly blurts out.

Mao looks at her and smiled, "Yes, it is."

"I also bought a necklace but it's for myself," says Shirley as she stares at the displayed jewelries. "And it's for Lelouch as well," she adds in almost a whisper but Mao heard it clearly because of the permanent activation of his geass.

Shirley bought the necklace and lets out a sigh of relief upon leaving the shop. When she is about to walk back home, Mao appears behind her which made the orange-haired girl flinch.

"It seems that you know Lelouch," he says as a smirk forms on his lips.

Feeling scared, Shirley still replies, "Yes, I do know him. He's my best friend. Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing in particular," Mao replies as he turns away from her. "See you soon."

"Y-yeah," is simply the response of Shirley since she doesn't know what Mao means when he said that.

"Love Lelouch as much as you want, little girl. And when you find out that Lelouch and Zero is only one person, you'll be devastated," Mao thought as he watches the sunset. "I'm looking forward on Zero's reaction."

The next day, Shirley bumps into Kallen at the school gate.

"Good morning, Kallen," the orange-haired girl greets with a smile.

"Good morning," replies Kallen as she slightly nods her head.

The two walks together with an awkward atmosphere.

"Why am I walking with her?" asks Kallen in her mind.

"Should I ask her if she likes Lelouch?" Shirley asks herself as she secretly steals a glance of the girl beside her.

"Kallen," Shirley suddenly blurted which made Kallen flinch.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Do you like..." Shirley stops for a moment and smiles. "Would you help us prepare for the school foundation?"

"Sure," says the red-haired girl. "I will lend you a hand if I have my free time."

"Thank you," says Shirley. "You seems to be having more absents, is everything okay?" Shirley asks to prolong their conversation.

"Everything's fine," says Kallen. "It's just some personal matter."

"Oh, I see."

Upon reaching their classroom, everyone is already there except Lelouch who is always tardy. The teacher came in and assigned Mina, the class president, to preside the meeting about the upcoming school foundation.

Milly and the other student council members head to the student council room as well for their meeting.

"So, what would be the highlight of the school foundation?" asks Milly as she gets a marker and heads to the whiteboard.

"Well, I suggest the making of the biggest pizza," Milly answers her own question.

"Again?" Rivalz retorted. "We failed two times already."

"That's the point ,Rivalz. We should try until we make the biggest pizza. And it's always exciting," replies Milly. "So, what else?"

While their meeting is ongoing, Lelouch enters the room and Shirley gets excited.

"Lulu!!" she shouts excitedly as she clings onto him. "You're late again!"

"I overslept," Lelouch replies. "What's up?"

"The school foundation next month," Milly replies.

"Ah, yes. I forgot," Lelouch replies as he scratches the back of his head. Lelouch sees the whiteboard and almost facepalmed. "If she hears this, another trouble needs to be dealt with."

Kallen sees Lelouch's expression and she immediately understands his concern. Pizza Girl will surely come without worrying about herself getting discovered.

C.C who just got out from the Southern Island is currently eating her pizza at the Pizza Hut. While eating, few students from Ashford Academy passes by.

"I think they're making it again."


"The student council seems to be planning another pizza making this upcoming school foundation."

Being a pizza girl, C.C's ears seems to have sharpened upon hearing her favorite pizza.


She finishes up her pizza and heads to Lelouch's house. She is greeted by Nunally who is folding paper cranes.

"C.C!!" the girl exclaims. "It's been quite a long time since we last met. Where have you been?"

"I just attended some important matters," the immortal witch replies.

"Is that so?" Nunally says. "You should attend the Ashford foundation day."

"Foundation Day?" the immortal witch asked in confusion.

"I heard they'll be making the biggest pizza," Nunally tempts.

C.C's eyes start to sparkle as she imagines herself eating a huge pizza.

"I'll be attending for sure," says she.

"That's great then."

Sorry if this chapter is so short..,,school matters are on the way and our sportsfest is currently ongoing so I am not able to write,,,,ahahahha...sorry for my laziness....anyway,,please vote and comment..,,daisuki minna-san...

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