2- Drunken Fools

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Walking into the alcohol-scented house, I squinted my eyes to see if I could find Tate anywhere through the small haze of smoke. The bastard had ditched me, he had actually ditched me.

Kicking a red plastic cup that was stranded on the floor, I decided to walk around a bit; maybe I would bump into someone I liked? Or trip over an intoxicated idiot and fall to my death.

Either way, I'll be put out of my misery.

So an hour walking around this place, and yet there was still no one I could speak to that actually caught my interest. Sure there were some girls that said the casual 'Hi', or 'how's it going', but other than that,


Carefully stepping over the unconscious people, I made my way to the kitchen, but was stopped in my tracks as someone had grabbed my wrist. Spinning around on my annoying heels, I was frustrated even more when I saw who was stood in front of me. Groaning inwardly, I bored my eyes into his.

"What do you want Tit?" Letting go of my wrist, he smiled drunkardly and slung a lazy arm over me, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"My names Kit, silly." His breath fanned my neck, as he leant over to whisper in my ear. Grimacing, I shoved him off of me, and poked him in the chest.

"I know what I said." Pushing him away with my index finger, I was about to turn around and walk away, but I had a better idea for an exit. Turning back around to face his attractive looking face, I smiled smugly and drew back my hand to slap him.

As my hand collided with his cheek, his face mirrored confusion.

"I am an independent woman, and do not need no man, good day kind sir." Adding a strong southern accent, I stomped my foot and walked away with a smile on my face. I've always wanted to do that, go on and judge me, its not the first, and ain't gonna' be the last.

Kit was one of those guys on the football team, that seemed to have every girl swooning as soon as he spoke. He was attractive, don't get me wrong, but other than his looks, he was one of the biggest pigs ever. Everything about him screamed creep.

The way his brightly coloured eyes would follow me every time I would walk pass the football field. How he would try striking up a conversation with me by complimenting my body parts.... It was just weird.

He one told me I have nice knee caps...knee caps.

Reaching the kitchen, there was Tate with 2 girls underneath his arms, and a bottle of patron in his hand. As he took another sip, he laughed at what one of the girls had said and fell onto the ground, pulling them down with him.

Isn't it weird how alcohol can flip someones personality completely upside down?

Taking out my phone, I took a quick snap of the funny looking sight. I guess if I'm ever upset, I could look at this to cheer me up.

Or maybe use it as black mail, whichever one needed to come first.

Concentrating on the photo, my eyes directly went to the genuine smile that was on his face, how his bright eyes beamed.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I decided I should probably help him up, rather than gaze at a photo like a woman who hasn't seen a man in a thousand years..

Hurrying over, the girls were both parched on chairs while Tate was still in fits of laughter on the ground, cradling the bottle of patron like a new born.

"Well aren't any of you going to help him up?" They both exchanged looks and scurried off into the other room.

"You both look like clown strippers by the way!" I yelled.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now