17-The figure in the trees

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I was just making out with Tate's brother...

I was just making out with Tates fucking brother!

"Brother?!" I shrieked as Tate continued to shoot daggers at his....brother.

"He's not my brother, I don't even know this guy, common" Tate groaned whilst trying to reach for my wrist.

"No, dont lie to me, how the hell do you have another brother?" Elliot peered up at me and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"His mom was a whore and my dad- I mean, its a long story" Elliot rearranged his sentence once he got a life threatening stare from Tate.

As Tate ran a shaky hand through his hair, he began to stalk off into the numerous amount of tree's behind the park.

Uh uh, he thought he could just walk off and not tell me anything about this mysterious brother of his?

hell to the no.

Running into the woods, I started to shout out Tate's name, but got no reply...fucking typical.

Wandering further, I clutched onto myself, somehow hoping the warmth of my tiny hands would do any good. My teeth started to chatter as a crisp wind swept past me.

"You look cold down there" That way too familiar voice came from above me. Looking into the tree that I only noticed that had branches that looked like claws.

Tate sat on a branch, with one of his legs dangling down to earth. His face was paler than usual and his eyes looked glassed over with tears.

I watched as he inhaled the vapours of the something that was clearly not just filled with tobacco.

"You saying its warmer up there?" I spoke with a laugh.

no reaction.


No reaction.

"Kitten speaking" I even tried using that ridiculous nickname. .and yet still

no reaction.

"I've fucked up so bad" He whispered like I wasnt even present. Watching him grab onto his dark locks as he pulled one more drag. Shoving his head in between his knee's, he chocked out a deluded laugh.

"How is it even possible for me to fall for you? I mean, of all people to fall for, I had to fall for the most annoying, confusing, beautiful nagging bitch, I have ever met." I had been too busy analysing his words to notice the insulting things.

He fell for me..Tate Capetti had fallen for me.

"What do you mean? What, you love me or something?" My ridiculous theory had been tossed out the window as he looked down at me as to say 'Are you crazy'.

I leaned upon the tree so I was facing the other direction.

Why had I said that aloud? of course he couldnt love me. I swear sometimes I was even more stupid than that girl at school who forgot to put shoes and socks on to school.

"But I do think im starting to..." The butterflies inside started to cause a storm in my stomach. The smile that forced its way onto my face had overtaken my sense of speech.

What do people normally say in this type of situation?

Thats cool


Golly gee, aint that grand?

Charlie once told me if I had nothing to say, go with the line that never fails.

"Totes amaze babes"


"Are you trying to take the fucking piss?" He snapped as he started to climb down the tree.

Backing away from him as he took another step, I wish I hadn't as I came crashing down to the floor as I trippped over a log.

"N-no I, why would I? I-" Lowering himself to the ground, he had placed his hands on the ground, just above my shoulders.

"You what?" He whispered while gazing in my hazel eyes, my eyes flicking down to his perfect lips everytime he would.

"I like you.." Crashing my lips to his before he could say anything else, he moaned into my mouth with pleasure.

Holding my back, he pushed himself closer against me, sending sparks across my body.

Intwining his fingers in my hair, his lips roughly moved against mine, throwing in a groan or two.

Suddenly hearing a few sticks underneath someones feet and a clicking sound, I automatically pulled away and looked around our sitting position.

Tate had obviously heard the same sound I did, as he got to his feet and pulled me up also, just so he could push me behind him.

"Jared, jensen? Elliott if you're trying to fuck around with us, I'll kill you." I slightly laughed, but got a murderous glare from his azure eyes.

"We should go" He said bluntly. Taking hold of my hand, he pulled me through the tangles tree's and back to the wreck.

As we walked to his car in silence, I looked over my shoulder to see Jared giving Charlie a piggy back over to us, waving his arm as she threw her head back and laughed.

"Don't leave us, you dicks" Jensen shouted as he ran ahead of Jared and Charlie.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back towards the tree's and furrowed my eyebrows as I could have sworn I saw a figure that looked familiar. They stopped also to stare at me, waving a small hand, even from here I could see the menacing laugh from their lips. They dissapeared within seconds.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked back towards the bushes and narrowed my hazel eyes in curiosity.

"Carmela?" Tate's voice echoed from my ear.

Looking back up at his azure eyes, I placed a fake smile on my face before quickly looking back towards the bushes.

Once we all crammed into the car, I couldnt engage in any of the conversations. The only thing that was on my mind was the figure in the trees.

Maybe I'm the lunatic?

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now