12- Commence

661 29 8

Tate's POV:

Stumbling back as the door grazed the tip of my nose, I was tempted to storm back in there and tell her how childish she was acting, but im sure that would have made the situation 10x more worse.

Placing my fist on the wall, I hung my head and took a few breathes. I don't understand any of this, one minute she hates my guts, the next she's telling me she likes me.

Well did she or didn't she?

"Hi there hot stuff" Honey's voice lingered from behind me, causing me to sigh in annoyance. Spinning around, my eyes widened as I took in her outfit.

A black and red corset,stockings, a lacy black thong and some metallic black heels to match.

Seeing the dress she had probably slipped off on the floor, I grabbed it and then grabbed onto her arm to pull her into my room.

Closing the door behind me, I furrowed my eyebrows and shot her a hard glare.

"Are you fucking crazy? What if Carmela's mom saw you huh?" Waltzing closer to me, she traced her fingertips along my jaw and down to my upper chest.

"I like it when you're angry" She seductively whispered in the corner of my ear. pulling me down by my collar, she tugged at my lips with hers, looking at me as she did so.

The sweet taste of cherries danced upon my tastebuds, as she slowly chewed upon my lips.

Pushing her away, I walked over to the bed and sat down with my head in my hands.

"I'm serious Honey, if my mom gets back and hears something even remotely suspicious, that's it for me, and she means it this time" rolling her eyes, she slowly walked towards me while biting down on her lower lip.

Swinging her leg over, she straddled me and began to kiss me like it was her job.

"What is it you're always saying again, that stupid quote or something" she whispered into my mouth, while unbuttoning my shirt.

"Don't think about tomorrow, think about right now" looking towards the wall behind my headboard, I wondered if kitten would be able to hear us, the walls couldn't be that thin.

"Are you even listening Tate" pushing me down on the bed, I noticed how my shirt had already been removed exposing my bare chest.

Looking at her with a questionable look, she started to trail kisses down my chest while I occupied myself with the  plain ceiling. I wonder if I should start taking pictures of things, I could just stick them all over my room. Kitten could teach me a thing or two, maybe even-

Suddenly being pulled away from my thoughts, I felt Honey's hand grip my manhood making me shoot up in surprise.

"Didn't you just hear me?!" Zipping my trousers back up, I walked past her as she kneeled on the floor looking dumb folded.

"It's what I normally do to cheer you up?" She said as casually as ever. I couldn't help but look at her in disgust, Carmela's mum was literally only in the kitchen and she thought this would be the most appropriate time to use her mouth as a pick me up.

"Next time I want you to get on your knees, I'll ask" watching her amber intwined eyes scan me, she quickly got to her feet and walked towards me with her hands on her hips.

"I just want to make you happy baby" slowly sucking on my neck, I groaned slightly, making me feel the small smile play on her lips.

Picking her up with one hand, I viciously slammed her against the wall, and started to kiss her like I was hungry for lust.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now