41- Hospitals

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Sitting in the backseat of Honey's car, we were currently driving to the hospital. I had been asked so many questions from the police, i thought i was going to explode with annoyance.

-How did you know her

-When did this start

-Why didn't you tell the police in the first place?

Wiping away the tears that were still in my eyes, I kept going over the scene in my head. What if Tate dies? What if he's already dead.

Biting down on my lip, I let go of another annoying sob. As Honey suddenly hit the breaks on the car, my head collided with the back of the passenger seats chair.

"Fuck" I shouted while rubbing the middle of my forehead.

Honey unbuckled her seatbelt and spun around to face me with her face reddening by the second. Her caramel hair hung down in loose curls down her chest.

"Will you just shut the fuck up" She practically yelled in my face. My sobs automatically stopped, and my eyes widened.

"Will I shut up? Tate could be fighting for his life right now, and what? would you rather me talk to you about the freaking weather forecast" Hearing her mutter things in Spanish, I scoffed to myself.

What was actually going through her freaking mind. Seeing as she wasn't starting to car up, I undone my seatbelt and clambered out of the car while holding my heels in my hand.

"And where do you think you're going?!" She shouted from out of her car window. I laughed and span around to face her while still walking.

"I'm going to see my boyfriend!" Spinning back around, I heard her start her car back up. Driving her car slowly beside me, I looked at her annoyed expression and then back towards the street.

"He was my boyfriend as well" She said more calmly than her earlier tone.

Rolling my eyes, I ran a hand through my messy hair, and winced as I accidentally touched my treated wrist.

"So maybe we weren't head over heels in love, but we were something." She carried on.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I started to sniff my nose as the cold breeze had started getting to me.

"And then you came along, and now this has happened" Choking on nothing, I put my hand to my chest to try to calm myself down.

"You're saying all of this-" Motioning my finger in a circular motion -"is my fault?" Laughing bitterly, I ran the tip of my tongue over my teeth, and turned back to look at the street. I could see the hospital alot more clearly now.

"Maybe if you had noticed your daddy was getting it on with one of your school mates, all of this could have been prevented."

Stopping in my tracks once again, I felt like I had done that 100 times already tonight. Narrowing my eyes, I quickly walked ahead to stand in front of the car. Hitting her hands on the brakes, I placed my hands flat on the hood and glowered right into her mixed eyes.

"Get.out.the.car" I said slow enough so she could hear the seriousness in my voice.

"Tate's probably dying because of you, and you want to-" Slamming my fist on the hood, I arched my back and continued to stare at her.

"I said. Get out" Laughing under her breath, she held up her hands in defense and got out of her car in 1 swift move. Watching as she sauntered over to me in her six inch pastel pink heels, and white fitted jeans, I could feel the envy creeping up on me again.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now