15- Suspicions

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Waking up, I rubbed one side of my face and yawned. I was never a morning a person, I kinda envied people who were.

Hanging my head over the edge of my bed, there layed Tate hugging tightly onto a pillow I definitely did not give to him.

Placing my head inetween my two palms, I propped myself up by my elbows and concentrated on him.

I concentrated on his breathing patern, and the way how his nose would twitch now and again in his sleep.

Tilting my head, I saw how fragile and unlike him he looked.

Closing my eyes, with a breath I reopened them and hopped off of my bed.

I gotta get out of here and clear my head.

Taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I got dressed and lazily tied my hair up.

It was only 8:25, so that meant my mom would be back home in time for lunch, so it gave me enough time to take a breather.

Closing my front door behind me, I decided I would go to Megan's and see if she needed any help at all with any of the newspaper things.

Reaching her house, I was surprised I even remembered where it was.

You see, Megan wasnt always 'best of friends' with us...well actually she kinda used to hate me.

Before all of this Tate fiasco, he used to kinda go out with this crazy bitch 'Kourtney', when I say crazy, she was mental.

Somehow, she blamed me for everything that ever happened to her and planned to make my life a living hell. She would put paint in my locker, try to start arguments for no reason, she once even 'accidentally' poured some red liquid on me while I was wearing all white.

"You're dad probably left because you're such a pathetic excuse of a human being"

That's when one day I had accidentally saw her and the janitor going at it. catching her in a full makeout session with the janitor, i mean its not like i could just let that go....So i stuck the pictures all over school for everyone to see.

I know it sounds harsh, harsher than harsh really, but I was so angry. I had so much anger inside of me already, and she would be there just adding to it.

Shortly, she transfered and left her beloved 'best friend' abandoned. I felt so guilty, I felt like it was my duty to take Megan in.

Knocking on the door, her mother answered with a smile and sent me straight up to her room.

Climbing up the stairs, as I neared to her room, I heard her laughing on the phone to someone.

"I know right?" She giggled.

"I can't wait! " she squealed with excitement.

Opening the door, I must of caught her by surprise as she slightly screamed.

"Cant wait for what?" I question while she said her goodbyes and reached for her laptop.

"Its a surprise" She said while cocking her head.

Eugh, more surprises, dont you think I've had enough for 1 week?

Sitting down on her wooden chair, I crossed me legs and sighed.

"Whats wrong?" Megan asked while still looking at her laptop screen.

Shrugging off her question, I didnt feel like talking about Tate for another second. I just dont understand anything anymore. He uses me, he's rude, he's violent and toys with my emotions.

Yet every time I see him, I just want to be wrapped in his arms, I just want to kiss those lips, I just want to hold on and never let go.

I hated it.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now