28- Kourtney Summers

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Remember the day Megan first told me about the whole 'Behind the eyes of a Lunatic'? And I had said how she was the newest of our group?

Well she was basically a slave before joiing us.

Let me tell you a little story about Miss Kourtney Summers.

If Regina George, Sharpay Evans and squidward had a love child.

It would be Kourtney Summers.

Coincidentally, Megan was her little bitch. Whatever Kourtney wanted, Kourtney got. She treated everyone like something scraped off the bottom of her louboutin shoes.

One day In middle school, I had pushed her to the floor because she had been taunting me because my dad hadn't came in on farthers day, like everyone elses had.

She kept saying how my dad obviously didn't love me enough, and that she didnt blame him as I was a pathetic excuse.

So I pushed her off of her pedestal, and dumped pots of paint into her sunkissed hair.

Ever since that day, I was her main target for everything. There wasn't one day she would ease up on me, not one. And all because of some stupid paints in her hair.

So one day when I had came to school earlier to try to avoid her, I had seen her and the schools janitor have a full make out session. There was groping, tongue, and alot more that made me nauseous everytime I thought of it. And I Carmela Brooks had gotten everything on Camera.

There was a rumour that she and Tate had been a friends with benefit type of thing, but where everyone was standing, it looked like she was just his 'acquaintance with benefits' kind of thing.

But anyway, I had printed out hundreds of copies of the lets get saucy with the janitor picture, and Charlie and I had stuck them all over the school.

I even photoshopped their faces on a photo of a bride and groom riding a broomstick, and then posted that into everyones locker one early morning.

It all was pretty childish, I know. But you need to look at it from behind my eyes.

People had even posted the pictures on facebook to mock her. Im guessing all the names and anonymous messages somehow notified her parents.

She came into school and caused a huge scene, yelling at me, trying to hit me, it was.....memorable.


"You fucking bitch, you dont even know what you've done! " She screamed while trying to grip onto my floral dress.

"You're the bitch!" I screeched while trying to slap her hand away from my hair.

"You dont even know what you've done. I had everything planned, everything was going perfect you stupid girl! You've ruined everything, you've ruined my life!" Tears began to spill from her eyes making my attacks to her body stop.

She looked so distraught, and it was all because of me.

Her dad had came through the school doors, and began to drag her away as she screamed profanities and tried to do any damage she could. I think she even hooked Ryan Melder in the face.

"One day, some bitch is going to do to you what you did to me! And you better pray to god that, that bitch isnt me!" And that's when she was finally pushed through the double doors.

She didnt come in the next day, nor the next month, nor even the next year.


One thing that had stuck in my head, was what she had said. At the time I just thought it was a pointless threat, I mean it's not like she could actually hurt me.

Last time I checked, Kourtney had been shipped off to England as soon as her parents found out about her little love affair, pretty dramatic if you ask me.

But it had to be her?

Leaving Jensen inside of the library, I took my brothers car back to our house, and bursted into Kelsie's room.

"Oh god!" I shrieked.

Seeing her and River eating eachother's faces made my stomach do a full 360º. Grimacing as slow chuckles escaped from his mouth. He gave Kelsie another longing kiss before saying goodbye and exiting the room.

Watching as he walked down our stairs, I made sure to wait until he was completely out of our house.

"Care to explain why you thought interrupting me and my future husband?" Cocking my arched eyebrow at her, she gave me a slight push to the forehead, making me stumble a few steps backwards.

Rubbing the spot on my forehead, I pushed through her door and went straight to her laptop.

"Um, excuse me?" Kelsie voice lingered from behind me.

Opening up Facebook, I typed in her name in the search bar and let go a triumphant laugh as I spotted her sickly sweet smile in her icon.

Clicking on her name, I looked at her location and saw how it said she was still in England. Well obviously she wasn't going to broadcast her whereabouts on social networking sites.

I stalked through her facebok for another hour, and found nothing that gave me any clue where she actually was.

I clicked through her pictures, analysing one by one. Just as I was about to give up, my eyes scanned over the picture I had came across.

It was of her and Kit sitting on some boat laughing at something that looked comical.

Looking at the caption, I fist pumped the air as I knew exactly what to do next.

The caption had read 'Chilling with the best cousin ever :')'

Spinning around in my sisters chair, I saw how she was preoccupied with painting her nails and texting away.

"I need one of your slutty dresses" I said with urgenc in my voice. She stopped bobbing her head away to 'She way out by the 1997', and raised her head with a puzzled expression glued to her face.

" Carmela, you've hardly said a single word to me, you kicked my boyfriend out, and even borrowed my laptop without asking" Rolling my eyes, I pursed my lips while looking into her hazel eyes.

"Im sorry, im just-Im just trying to sort somethings out.....could you help me. Please...? " I said in a weak voice.

Her arms were crossed over her chest, while her bare legs in a pretsel style cross.

With a heavy sigh, she relaxed her body and got to her bare feet.

Opening up her closet, she pulled out 2 dresses and looked at me with a small smile.

"Red, or black?"



I know I mentioned a girl named Paris in chapter 15, but I completely changed her story, so now her name is Kourtney.. (Partly because I love the Kardashians ;) )

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now