33- All part of the plan

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Feeling the sunshine on my face, an automatic smile had rised on my face. It had been 5 days since going to the police station, and in 2 days, I would officially be 18 years of age.

Sitting up, I looked around my room, and a strange feeling started to settle in my stomach, a good kind of feeling.

Standing to my feet, I looked down at my current outfit and laughed to myself. I was practically covered in paint from head to toe.

I was in such a good mood yesterday, I tried helping my mom paint the living area, which didnt turn out how we planned...at all.

"Valerieeee, why dont you come on over valeriiee" Pheonix sang along to the radio terribly.

My mom scrunched up her nose in disgust. With her blonde locks in a messy bun, she had thrown on a pair of old dungarees and slipped on a pair of my converse. Yes, my mom's feet were tiny.

She was so naturally beautiful, it made me jealous. Her bright glowing eyes didnt look a day over 24. Her plump lips put mine to shame. It's obvious where Kelsie got all of her looks from.

My mom purposely splatted paint on Pheonix's back, making his croaking come to a halt.

Breaking down in fits of laughter, Pheonix snapped his head around to find my mom whistling while painting the wall with the roller, and me on the floor laughing like a hyena.

"Oh so funny Carmela" He mocked. Picking up the paintbrush, he inched forwards to me while I struggled to say a word from my hysterical laughing.

My mom had placed a hand to her mouth to silence her small laughs.

Trying to push him away, he chuckled and saw an opportunity, and he took it.

Running his paintbrush down my face, I didn't even stop laughing then. Watching my mom dip her hands in the paint, she put her both hands on Pheonix's cheeks.

Pouting his lips, he narrowed his eyes towards our mom. Taking my chance, I grabbed the bucket of paint and threw it over the both of them.

It only escalated from there.

Rushing to the bathroom, I ran the taps and waited untill the temperature was perfectly hot.

Striping down, I stepped in and let the water wash away the filth, and mostly paint.

Once I had washed myself and my hair, I got out and wrapped the towel tightly around me.

Remember the plan for today Carmela, remember the plan.


Walking into school, I felt like james bond, but with boobs. I strutted to my locker, wiggling my ass with every step I took.

I went with the outfit Francesca had specially bought for me. It was a tad slutty and over the top, but that's what I was trying to go for.

I wore a short, skin tight,wet looking skirt. A push up bra that I never knew existed. A slightly see through crop top that clung to my curves. And a pair of red bottom heels that I obviously was going to return to Francesca after today.

After blow drying my hair upside down, I curled my hair at the bottoms, so my hair hung in loose curls, just touching the bottom of my back.

I waved my hand seductively at the guys that walked by gawking, and even at the girls that looked at me in disgust and pity.

Punching in my code, I felt a hand slightly tap my ass. Balling my fist, I relaxed as I saw Tate stroll by with a subtle wink, and Megan draped over his arm.

That was part of our plan by the way. He would let Megan throw herself at him, while I plan to destroy her. Mwahaha.


I'm normal?

As he stopped by his locker, I could hear her constant chatter about what I had done to her and her room.

"She nearly hit me in the face, I swear. My mom wanted to press charges, but I said no because her lifes already fucked up enough. I mean, look at her. She has nothing" she squealed.

Oh how I wished I owned a bazooka, or even a harpoon.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the bunch of invitations from my bag, and quickly fixed my hair with the invisible mirror I had in my locker.

Turning around on my dark heels, I catwalked over to them, still feeling the glances of people starting to suffocate me. I tried to keep the blush down as Tate's eyes travelled me from head to toe.

He was wearing an ocean blue top that complimented his eyes extremely well. His jeans hanging from his hips flashed his designer boxers for the world to see. His hair looked alot more wavier than usual, it looked thicker and alot more nicer.

"You look like a-" I interrupted Megans rude comment by placing my finger out infront of her face.

Her face was priceless, it looked like one of those puffer fish? but wearing a ginger wig.

"You're both invited to my halloween birthday bash on Saturday, its going to be totes amaze. Alcohol will be provided. Anyone who's anyone will be there." Turning back around, I skipped off - not literally of course - to my English class just as the bell had rang.

Classes flew by quicker than I expected. Now was the part of the day I was kind of dreading the most for today.

Grabbing the megaphone I had gotten from the drama department. I walked to the cafeteria, ignoring the sly names I was being called by the obvious jealous bitches.

You wish you coukd look this good, okay?

Walking to the table where I used to sit with my friends. I saw Jared drop his hamburger on the filthy floor upon seeing me.

"Sit on me" He murmured whilst gawking at my outfit. I didnt know if this was part of the plan? or just Jared being, well, Jared.

I could tell Tate was itching to hurt him, but couldn't as megan might have become suspicious, which Jared knew fully well. I mean, she just thought jared was being his usual pervy self if he started hitting on me, If Tate did..hell naah.

"Like on my face, could you sit on my face" Fake laughing, I saw how Fran and Charlie were pretending to look completely and utterly disgusted by my appearance. We had also let Leyla and Andie into our plan, so they now knew also.

Grabbing Jareds shoulder, I pushed myself up so I was now standing on their table. I heard the muters of swear words that left Megan's foul mouth.

Switching on the megaphone, everyone in the cafeteria looked towards me as that annoying sound came from it.

"Hey! Its your number 1 slut of our school speaking. I just wanted you all to know that you're all invited to my Halloween birthday bash on Saturday night 8:45pm. My brother is inviting all of his college friends, as is my sister. Booze will be available for all-" Seeing a teacher march into the cafeteria, that was my que to wrap up.

"So see ya there" Hopping down from the table, I held my hands up in defeat as Mrs Dale pointed her finger towards the exit.

Hearing a slow clap come from Jensen, I smiled as Jared started to join in. In no time, the whole cafeteria was clapping me on as I exited the hall with peace signs held behind me.

"Fuck authority!" I yelled behind me. Hearing them start to repeat after me, I nearly did a happy little jig right there and then.

But I dont think Mrs Dale would have approved.


A/N: Ayeee we're getting closer to the end bae's


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