4- Shrek the bodybuilder

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It was now Monday morning and I still hadn't seen or heard of Tate since Saturday. I was currently walking with Charlie and listening to her rant on about how Casey Ryans ruined her party.

"She totally intended to start a fight between Mika and Sean, just because she knew that they would go HAM on each others asses, and trash my whole house, and- are you even listening?" snapping out of my thoughts, I blinked at her and flapped my hand about.

"Yeah of course, Something about Casey Ryans putting ham on your ass, right?" Laughing loudly, she nudged me with her hip and stared at me with a tilted head.

"You okay Carm?" She said softly as she placed a dainty hand on my shoulder.

The feeling of worry had been eating me up all weekend. I didn't like him or anything, but it would have been cool to get a call from him, a text? I would have even settled for a note tied to a frigging rock, anything.

Eugh, I'm that girl aren't I? The girl I thought I'd never be.

"I kissed Tate" I slipped up. I swear most times it was like my mouth had a mind of its own.

Slapping me in the gut, she squealed and jumped up in down while I bellowed over in pain.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. You did? How, when, where, why didn't you tell me anything, tell me everything." Finally getting on school grounds, she followed me like an excited puppy to my locker.

Watching her blonde headed locks bounce up and down, she started to clap her hands like a tipsy seal. I had to literally restrain myself from tripping her up.

I smiled at the image of her being tripped up, but then frowned as I noticed I would be the one having to listen to her moaning all day.

"It was nothing, I just went for it I guess" taking my books out of my locker, I was once again hit in the gut making me yelp in pain. God dammit, that girl had some strength on her. She may had looked like a tiny thing, but jheesh did she pack a punch.

"Oh my god, the face kicker is coming over here, he is walking over here, act cool, act fucking cool" slamming her body on the locker next to me, she placed her hand above her head, and posed like she was impersonating a model from vogue. Well maybe a reject model from vogue, but a model never the less.

"Kitten!" Regaining my balance, I glowered at her pouted face.

Slamming my locker shut, I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels to look at him.

"Again with the kitten, psycho?" tugging onto his leather jacket, he looked strangely at Charlie who was still posing like a complete freak.

"Please don't ask" I almost but begged.

"Um, okay... Anyway I asked Mrs Ryan if I could switch with anyone else and she said no, so it looks like I'm stuck with you for film studies... I'll drive you to mine after school" Placing his hands in his pocket, I smiled and poked him in the middle of his chest.

He asked to switch partners?

"If you wanted to ask me on a date, all you had to do was say, psycho" cocking an eyebrow, he scoffed and brushed past my shoulder rather roughly.

"I'd rather eat shit" Walking away, he made his way down the hall and turned a corner.

"Well that wasn't romantic at all" Charlie moaned with disappointment. Linking arms with me, we waltzed our way into maths and groaned as we saw a new seating plan.

Looking for my name, I saw I was planted in between Jared and Jensen, what a freaking coincidence.


Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now