7- Dinner with Satan

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It had been 2 weeks since the date incident and everything seemed to be fine.

Kit started to hang around me much more. I was still confused on what he saw us as.

I had spent a lot more time with Jared, Jensen and Francesca, no Tate thankfully, I dont even think I could stop myself from wringing his neck if I had saw him.

I had even helped Megan start the article, the sooner that thing was published the sooner I would have my column back.

She decided to take the article up a notch and calling it 'Experimenting with the Lunatic'.

I remember her telling me how it wouldnt even be publised any time soon due to the stubbornness of some people, whatever that meant.

She had wrote about mostly rumours and barely even listened to the nice things I had to say. She said the readers wanted excitement, not sappy crap..her words, not mine.

It was Currently Friday evening, and I was  spending it with Jared and Evan watching the boxset of Pretty little liars.

"Wait, so is Allison dead or not" Evan repeated for the twentieth time. Jared smacked him up the back of the head making Evan grab his head and groan.

"Of freaking course she's dead. It's obvious A doesn't stand for Allison, it stands for Anonymous, but these chicks are too stupid to know that." Jared droned.

Evan nodded his head in an 'oh' manner, and decided putting his legs on me was way more comfortable than the sofa.

"The things I would do to Ashley benson" Jared grunted as he rolled his lower lip into his mouth.

Picking up the nearest pillow, I hit him in the face with it making him snap out of his inappropriate thoughts.

"Oh, you wanna fight huh" Nodding his head for Evan to move out of the way, he did so with his eyes still glued to the tv screen. Who said PLL fans are all girls eh?

"I swear to god if you tickle me again, I'm not afraid to do some serious damage" Wriggling deeper into the sofa, he jumped down on me, now straddling me, he held my hands together and started to tickle my neck.

Losing control, I broke out in fits of giggles, kicking my legs in the air and begging him to stop.

"Jared..if..you don't..oh my god...stahp" Trying to get Evan to help, he had just turned up the volume on the television to drown out the sound of my laughter.

"Well doesn't this look cozy" Tates words dripped with sarcasm. Jared immediately stopped tickling me and looked towards Evans bedroom door.

I knew he couldn't see me, so maybe he thought I was one of Evans friends?

"Kitten?" His deep voice whispered.

Okay, so maybe he did know it was me.

"Psycho..?" Sitting up, I noticed how bad this situation looked, but it's not like i'd do anything with Jared, anyway Evan was sitting with us.

Looking at his dark azure eyes, he glared at Jared and then at me.

"Evan invited us round, he saw me and Jared hanging out at my house and-" Jared dug his knee in my side signalling me to shut up.

He could have done that without making me yelp in pain.

Is it just me or did you understand why it was so necessary to do that.

Climbing off of me, he scratched the back of his neck, while he planted both feet on the ground.

"Am I missing something?" Looking up at Tate, he was leaning on the door frame looking at me with a blank expression.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now