24- Bitch

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"And now we're over" I had just finished explaining to Francesca what had happened, obviously skipping out the parts that I knew that I had no right to explain.

We were sprawled out on her bed taking sips of the bottle of alcohol had swiped from her kitchen.

"I slept with Elliot" She whispered while taking a swig from the bottle.

Furrowing my eyesbrows, I slowly sat up and stared at her like she was crazy.

I knew I was a lightweight, but I definitely swear I heard what I thought I did.

"You slept with Elliot? You mean your brothers brother Elliot?" Moving my hair to sit behind my back, I gawked at her as she nodded her head and took another sip.

I mean technically they werent related at all, but Elliot was Tate's brother, and Francesca was Tate's sister. So some where down the line, it surely gets weird.

"I didn't know he was Tate's brother at the time" She murmured.

Bringing my legs up to my chest, I hugged them while I listened.

"He was at the wreck, it was one time. The next day, he was over here. I nearly threw up when he introduced himself as Tate's brother. Mom went ballistic when she saw him round the house, you know he came to our house drunk once, and then tried to burn it down" Looking at me, her blue eyes wandered around the room.

"Technically you're not related... I don't know what else to say?" Sitting up, she held one hand in her hair, and the other to her stomach.

"You can't tell anyone, you're the only person I've ever told. Oh Carmela please dont tell anyone" The alcohol had sent her into fits of tears already.

I thought I was the one who was supposed to be crying on her shoulder, not the other way around.

As she sobbed into my shirt, I awkwardly patted her on her head while her sniffles interupted my thoughts.

Right now, I felt like diving into a gallon of cookie dough ice cream, not comforting someone in the house that I least wanted to be.

"I wont. I promise"


Clutching onto my backpack straps, I tried to put my hands in my back pockets, but forgot that I had chosen to wear a dress.

Eugh, being feminine sucks balls.

I had decided to come to school extra early, just so there weren't any chances of me bumping into Tate as he left his house.

I know it sounds pathetic, but that's because it is.

Pushing open the double doors that lead to the left wing of the lockers, I froze as I saw a figure by my locker.

"You little shit!" My outburst had notified them, which set them running off through the exit.

Rushing after them, I groaned and kicked the door as I saw how they had seemed to vanish towards the back gates.

"Fucking devil child!" I yelled.

Huffing, I pulled back in the doors and banged my head onto the door in frustration.



"Come on girls, one more lap and you can all get back to gossiping about Miss Brooks" Mr Galla Shouted as we all came to a slow halt.

Wasn't he meant to encourage us so we could get healthier, not so we could stand around like a bunch of lemons talking about. ...me.

"I swear I could drop kick him into next week" I muttered almost to myself. Andie chuckled as she stretched her arms out over her head

tugging at my shirt, I slightly laughed as she made faces as he continued to speak...or should I say yell.

Finishing up the lap, me and andie trudged our way to the changing room as we were the first two to finish.

Pushing opening the door, mine and Andie's talk came to a small hault as we were met with the faces of Megan, Charlie and Francesca.

Releasing my hair, I took a step closer with an uneasy smile on my face. They all looked furious. Furious with a side of rage.

"Hi-" Feeling Francesca's hand collide with the side of my cheek, I took in a sharp breath, and cupped one side of my face.

"How dare you" She seethed through her teeth.

Giving her a shove away from me, I nearly jumped on her before Andie grabbed hold of my wrist.

"You promised you bitch" she shouted.

Every piece  of anger i had ever felt had pieced itself together and radiated from out of me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ripping my arm from out of Andie's grip, I took a step foward, daring her to take another swing.

Charlie handed me a piece of paper. Her eyes trying to avoid mine as I stared back at her with confusion written all over my face.

"Gossip column by Anon?" Looking over at Megan, she turned her head away from me and folded her arms over her chest.

Reading through the contents, I furrowed my eyebrows as I got further down the page.

'Charlie the innocent, Charlie the sweet, a different guy every day of the week.'

Oh but we can't just pin her whore like ways upon herself, right?

I mean with her mom having an affair on her crackhead of a father, who could blame her? We all just want our family to show us some love.....right Francesca Capetti?

Who would have known that the Tate Capetti, wasnt even a true Capetti? But what really shocked me was the secret brother. Elliott...

What stupid, disgusting, slut would sleep with their step brother? Fran-fucking-cesca, thats who.. weird right?

But wait, theres more.

-Andie Redd? She screwed both Giovanni and Evan, arent they like 10?

-Leyla, nothing really to say...She's bland boring, and really not worth my time.

Love ya xoxo'

Looking back up at them, I noticed how Andie had shifted away from me, and was pushing her jacket into her bag.

"I didn't write this-" Looking back at a furious Francesca and a lost Charlie. I tried to reach out for Charlie, but she took a step back so she was far away from me.

"You're the only one I told-....you're the only one I trusted Carmela" She whispered.

Her hand was running up and down her bare arm as he hair hung over her face in loose curls.

"You're my best friend Charlotte, why would I do that to you?" As she glimpsed up at me, I saw how the mascara stained tears left their mark upon her cheeks.

"Because you love the fucking attention, thats why" Andie spat as she swung her sports bag over her shoulder.

"Oh shut the hell up Andie, like I give a shit about who you screw? Fuck whoever you damn want!" Hitting me with her bag, I widened my eyes as I saw the mocking smile on her face.

"Im gonna let that slide, because I don't feel like wasting my energy on you right now" Holding her chin up high, she stormed out of the changing room doors, and out towards the hall.

Turning to look back at the 3 of them, I watched as Charlie slowly left the room, still as silent as ever.

"Francesca-" Holding her finger up in my direction, her blonde ponytail went from left to right as she shook her head.

"Save it." Tightening her hair, she turned around on her heels and left though the doors, leaving me and Megan.

"You really have mucked things up now Carmela...." Waltzing out of the door, I was left alone to try to get my head around what the hell had just happened.

"What the hell just happened"

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now