23- Problems

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"So you believe me then?" Laying back into his arms, I made circular motions on his bare chest.

I hadn't looked up, but I could tell his love sick expression had changed to a stiff one.

Looking up towards him, his face was pointed towards his desk like he hadn't heard a damn thing.

Sitting up, I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed and my eyes slightly squinted.

"You still dont believe me, do you?" Clearing his throat, he was about to say something before a body had climbed into his room from his window.

Tate quickly got to his feet and rushed to the body currently on the floor.

"Elliot, what the fuck are you doing?" Elliot got to his feet in soft chuckles. Brushing his denim jacket off, he looked in my direction and shot me a wink.

Staring back at his brother, he pulled out something from his back pocket and began to light it with his lighter.

"Oh, nice to see you to Tate. How's it going Elliot? Oh im fine, just thought I'd drop in.....Literally" Laughing to himself, he slowly stopped as he saw Tate was barely amused.

"Oh kayyy...." He said awkwardly.

Tate looked him up and down and slightly laughed at the sight of Elliots choice of clothing.

"Nice shorts" Looking down at Elliots bright orange shorts, I couldnt help but laugh also.

Elliots head snapped back around to face me and smiled upon seeing the disgusted look on my face.

"Carmela, right? The girl that made out with me at the wreck? If you dont mind me saying, but you were amazing, definately top 5" He said with a smirk clearly on his lips.

"Look here Mr mystery brother-" I had gotten up and started to walk towards him with my fists by my side.

"I dont know who you think you are-"

"Oh, Im the brother of the guy you're trying to make a fool of. " He was doing the same, as he began to take small steps towards me.

"I swear to jesus I will punch you in the throat if you don't shut up" Pulling my fist back, it was cupped as Tate stood infront of Elliot and I, and groaned.

"Why dont both of you just shut up?" I looked up at him and scoffed.

Ripping my hand from out of his grip, he messaged his temples as Elliot stuck his tongue out in my direction.

"That's enough" Tate sighed.

"Its the pretty ones, its always the pretty ones who're the devious bitches" Elliot mumbled under his breath.

Tate gave him a rough push at the chest, making me slightly jump at the impact.. Elliot gave an annoyed smile as he got shoved towards the wall.

"I said, that was enough. You know this so called bitch is my girlfriend" Elliot gave him a hard shove back, before heading back to the window.

"You and I both know you dont do the commitment thing, she's nothing but your little distraction, just like Honey was" On that note, he looked at me like I was a piece of trash, before climbing down.

Tate was still staring at the spot on the wall where he had shoved Elliot. What was I supposed to say?


Resting my hand softly on his shoulder, I tensed as he tried to shove it away.

To be fairly honest, I was done with all this confusing shite. I was done with the not knowing fuck all. I just didnt want to feel clueless all the bloody time.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now