42- I love you more than food

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"Look, I'm perfectly fine. I just want to get up to see my girlfriend, nothing too extreme" Glaring up at the fairly old doctor, he frowned back down at me like I was a 5 year old.

"Mr Capetti, you're injured and your body needs time to heal. You haven't just broken a leg, you were stabbed, Mr Capetti" I couldn't even concentrate on his little speech he had made. All that was swimming around my mind, was if kitten was okay.

One minute she was there, the next she had collapsed.

"I need to see if she is okay" I spoke stearnly. I groaned aloud as I heard him start to deny me once more.

"I don't think you're listening to me Mr-"

"No, I don't think you're listening. I said I need to see my girlfriend. Now if you don't move the fuck-"

"Tate!" My mom snapped once entering the room. Narrowing my eyes, I unhooked everything to me, and struggled to get up.

"Hun, she's fine. Jared's in there keeping an eye on her" Jared?

Of all people, she left Jared with her. Yeah he's my best friend, but what If she came around and confused me with him? Badabing badaboom Jared Jr is produced.

"You call that fine?" I growled up through my throat.

Standing to my feet, I automatically dropped to floor clasping at my side.

My mom and Dr Remete came rushing to my side. I tried to push their hands away from me, but they ignored and helped me sit back on the lumpy bed.

Looking away from them both, I laid back down with anger whirling around in my head.

"At least put Jensen in there as well"



I could hear voices in the background as my eyes started to jolt around under my eyelids.

"Yeah, but if you had to pick out of Caramel or Francesca. I mean either way Tate would kill you?" That was definatly Jared's voice.

Here I am lying in a hospital bed, and yet he still won't call me by my damn name.

"I'm not answering that, I have a girlfriend. You remember Charlie, right?" Jensen went out with Charlie? Since freaking when!

I guess spending time away from your friends changes things?

"Fine. I'd go for Caramel, even though Francesca was a steady 9" Eugh.

Flickering open my eyes, I saw how Jared had his feet propped up on my bed, while Jensen slowly paced around the room.

Clearing my throat, they both stopped speaking to look down at me with small smiles on their lips.

"Finally." Jared muttered under his breath.

Glaring my eyes towards him, he gave me a wide toothy grin with his eyes creased by the sides.

Rolling my eyes at him, i couldnt help but let the small laugh escape from my lips.

"They treated and wrapped up your wrist." Jensen spoke while inching towards us.

Looking down at my wrist, i saw how it was wrapped up in a bandage. Eugh, how was i even going to explain this to my mom.

"How am i gonna explain this-" I weakly waved my injured hand in the air. "-to my mom"

I could tell by Jared's face that Jared was just about to crack a joke, but got interupted by someone i really didnt want to enter the room.

"How about you start from the beginning" All of our heads snapped around towards the door, i saw my mother with a jug of water and cup in her hands while giving me the death glare of the year.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now