20- Nicknames

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Slinging my bag underneath the library table, I got out my English Literature homework, and started to read through what I needed to do.

I needed to get my mind off of this fiasco with Mr or Mrs Life Wrecker.

I had already got called to the principles office due to the stupid gossip, and well, the posters that had plastered the entire school.

All he said, was that he'll look into the situation for me. I had to practically beg him not to call my mom. I had to try to convince him it was just some idiotic practical joke.

Slightly smacking my forehead, I remembered how I had forgotten all of my notes In my rust bucket of a locker this morning.

Pushing my chair back, it had made a barely noticeable noise on the floor, but of course Mrs Rench heard it and almost floored me.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I tucked my hands securely in my back pockets as I made my way through the hectic halls.

I ran a rough hand through my hair as I saw the note that fell from my locker as I opened it.

Crouching down, I didn't even think twice before unfolding it and reading the words aloud.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, you wrecked me, so i'll wreck you, what d'ya say?" I fell onto the floor with a screech as someone's hand fell onto my shoulder.

"Jesus christ, what do you want Kit?" I snapped a bit more rude than I intended.

He peered down to me while sticking his hand out as an offer for me to get up.

Grabbing hold of it, I mumbled a sorry, before running a hand down my face.

"Carmela-" Shutting his mouth with my hand, I squinted my eyes and started to look around the halls. I felt like I was a junior hall monitor or something.

"We cant talk here...-" I whispered. Looking over my shoulder one last time, I bit down on my lip before dragging him into the janitor closet I had gotten dragged in earlier.

"So, what do you want." I whispered once more, before banging my head into a broom.

I swear this so caled janitor was never around. Why cant he just keep his shit tidy, and maybe, just maybe he could get a pay raise or something.

"Ah, balls!" Rubbing the center of my forehead, I looked up to see a very amused looking Kit.

I looked over his outfit and narrowed my eyes slightly.

A ramones shirt..

(He literally hated the ramones)

Black jeans


a leather jacket, and exactly 3 braclets on his wrist

"Why are you dressed like that?" I whispered while pointing my finger to his broad chest.

"Why are you whispering?" He looked at me like I was the crazy cat lady down my street.

I think her name's Linda..

Yeah, he was looking at me like I was crazy cat lover Linda.

"I asked you-" I awkwardly cleared my throat as I noticed I was whispering again.

"-I mean, I asked you first" I snapped in his direction.

"And I asked you second....pookie" Scoffing, I tried not to laugh, but the biting of my cheeks obviously wasn't hard enough.

"Pookie? oh god Kit, are you feeling good?" Trying to place my hand to his forehead, he dodged his head, making me wheeze a laugh.

"Tate calls you Kitten every fucking three seconds, I don't see you laughing at him, or checking to see if he's feeling good." Lowering my hands, I ran a hand through my hair and shifted it all to the side.

"This is what you wanted to talk about? Tate's nicknames for me?" I squinted my eyes as I looked up at him. Right now, i was questioning the male existence.

"Yes! wait no? I just-I just dont understand why you dont love me? I took you on numerous of dates, I sat and listened to your problems, we're both so hot, I'm me, and me is pretty freaking awesome Carmela." Widening my eyes, all I could do was stare and blink.

"Ohhh" I said with a girlish smile.

Basing on his expression, he probably thought I was about to jump into his arms, and declare my ever lasting love for him.

"Now I remember why I started calling you Tit in the first place." Rolling my eyes, I exited the closet and started to make my way to the library, with Kit trailing up my ass.

"There was something between us! Common...cookie? We had-have chemistry" Grabbing hold of my arm, he span me around and planted his lips on mine.

Pushing him off of me, I grabbed a bunch of his shirt and yanked him down to my height.

"Look here pudding pop, the only chemistry we have is in the science block before lunch. And I don't know who died and made you Mr fucking I am, but if you ever kiss me without my permission , I will personally chop off your balls, and force feed them to you. Got it? Get it? Good!"

Pushing the library doors open, I marched back to my original seat, ignoring all of the stares from the usual gossipers.

Sitting down, I once again smacked myself on the forehead and groaned.

I still didn't get my freaking notes.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now