35- Lover boy

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Feeling the warming covers being pulled off of me, I wrapped my arms over my bare chest, trying poorly to trap the heat.

"Get up you oaf, its your girlfriend's birthday!" Hearing Francesca's annoying voice made me reach for the pillow and wrap it over my head.

"Get out" I croaked from under my pillow.

It's not like I haven't got all day with Kitten? How's 1 more hour of sleep gonna hurt?

"She's already been here 3 times Tate" Raising my head, I opened 1 eye and saw that it was already 11:00am.

"You've filled her damn house with roses. Do you know how many delivery guys have been there Tate?" She screeched.

Laughing to myself, I finally sat up and stretched my arms out above my head;With a small grin on my face.

What was the point of having money and not spending it?

Leaning out my window, I saw her trying to find more space in her room to place the roses a guy had dropped off.

She was already fully dressed. That blonde wig of hers was in a ponytail while she tried to finish her makeup. She was wearing a tight white half top with a tight white skirt.

" You just gonna sit there and stare at her orr..?" Francesca mocked with a smile. Throwing a pair of boxers that were seconds ago on my floor at her, they landed perfectly on her newly straightened blonde locks.

Don't worry, they're clean? I know that, you know that,but did she know that?

Her ear piercing scream had me nearly in tears, making Giovanni yell something my mom would have killed him for saying, if she heard that was.

Looking back through my window, I wolf whistled so kitten could hear.

Coming to her window, she pouted her lips and lowered her brows. She really didn't know just how cute she looked when doing that.

"You're not dressed?" She said with disappointment in her voice.

"Your observation skills have gotten better with age" I laughed at how she was now wearing a point blank expression due to my comment.

"I thought we were going to grab something to eat?" Her soft voice sending a warm feeling down my spine.

"Don't worry Kitten, I'll be ready in 15, dont miss me too much beautiful." Sending her a wink, I saw her cheeks slowly start to turn a crimson colour.

Ah Kitten.


Carmela's POV:

Once he shut down his window, I backed away from mine and fell backwards on my bed.

I felt terrible about lying to him, but I had tonight planned to the T. My uncle Trevor who was an undercover cop would be here tonight (you know, just incase Kourtney decided to go full nutcase mode). I knew if I had told Tate, he wouldnt leave my sight.

It had to be me and Kourtney, no one else.

I even mustered up the courage to call Honey yesterday and asked if she could distract Tate for the night.


"Hello?" Honey's tropical accent echoed from the other line.

"Hi, it's me...Carmela" The line went silent at first, I thought she had just hung up on me. Saying 'hello' about 3 more times, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now