21- Photoshops A Bitch

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Grabbing my tray, I lined up with Charlie as usual. The questioning stares I kept on getting started to annoy Charlie more than they did me.

"I swear to god, if the lunch lady with the mole on her nose keeps staring at you, im gonna climb over that counter and shove that hair net where the sun don't shine" She whispered while grabbing a green apple.

Scoffing, I placed a smirk on my face."That's a lady?"

As our laughs began to annoy the butch lunch lady, we decided to grab our pizza and run.

Since I had spent most of my lessons in the library, I had alot more time to clear my head and think about all of this shit.

So what if people saw me as a slut? I knew I wasnt, Tate knew i wasn't, and I was perfectly fine with myself.

Seeing Jensen, Jared and Megan sitting at a table, we walked over while still laughing at the lunch lady slash she hulk.

"Hi Charlotte" Jensen beamed. Furrowing my eyebrows towards Jared. I tried to signal to him about Jensen, but he was no help, as all he was doing was sending me 'seductive' faces. and when I say seductive, I mean terribly awful.

Charlie's cheeks began to redden as she smiled."Hey Jensen"

Oh dear god, what is happening.

Clearing my throat, it snapped Jensen out of his gazing mode, and right into his glaring mode.

"Im here to? just sayin'" I muffled as I bit into my pizza. Screwing his face up, he laughed and ran a hand over his wrist.

"Oh yeah" Frowning , I picked up some fries and threw them in his direction, making the table shortly laugh.

"Carmela! " Andie's highly pitched voice grabbed my attention. She was currently running towards us with her hands waving above her head.

Reaching to us, she placed a hand over her abdomen as she tried to catch her breath back. I tried to speak, but she held a finger out infront of me as to say hold on.

"Tick tock Andie" I laughed as I tapped towards my watch.

"Tate...Kit...fighting...damn I'm not as fit as I think" Jared had already shot up and was running towards the door.

Why couldn't I just have one day where I eat lunch, without something jaw dropping happening.

Groaning, I began to run towards the way Andie was, I grabbed bunches of my hair as I saw what was happening infront of me.

"Not so fucking mouthy now Stylinsky! are you huh?" Jared was trying his best to hold Tate back, as he tried to get a good grip on Kit.

"Still fucked your girl though?" Kit began to laugh. Spitting blood onto the floor, he wiped away the smeared blood on his face and shrugged.

"You're in for a right treat Tate, best I ever had. Hey, and just between us...she likes it rough" he winked at Tate.

Tate broke away from Jared and grabbed hold of Kit's shirt.

He held him towards the school wall as pupils around him were filming his every move.

I looked towards Charlie, who looked equally as confused.

Pushing through the crowd, a sickly sweet smile appeared on Kit's face as he saw my arrival.

"Speaking of the angel" Tates eyes were filled with utter disgust as he looked at me. Looking away, he glared back at Kit and scoffed.

"You can have her" The words seem to stick in my throat as he stormed away from the crowd, and climbed over the school gate.

Jogging over to the gate, I climbed over and winced as I fell on my knee's. Quickly getting up, I ran in his direction trying shout after him.

Finally catching up to him, he shrugged my hand off of his shoulder and spat out a bitter laugh.

"you know how much of a hypocrite you are? You are just some slut aren't you? You're no different from Honey are you!?" Pushing him by his chest, I tried to slap him, but he blocked it by gently grabbing my wrist.

"Why're saying this? I thought we sorted everything out this morning? " On the verge of tears, I bit down on my lip to stop it from trembling.

As he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket he unfolded it and shoved it into my hand.

I watched him as he slowly let go of my wrist and bit down on his lip as he looked away from me.

Looking at it, a tear fell down my face as I shook my head.

It was a picture of Kit and someone that was supposed to be me on top of him, naked.

"This isn't me, I-I dont understand. Its my face, but its not me....Why would I-I" Shouting, he grabbed the top of his head before kicking someones fence.

"Im not stupid Carmela. Im not angry about you screwing him. Im angry that I had to find out by some random person! I fucking heard everything what you two were saying! 'Tate's too emotionally fucked?' 'I could never love someone like that'" he shouted.

Screaming, I turned back around and headed straight for the school, ignoring the shouts from Tate.

Jumping back over the gates, the crowd had dispersed, but Kit was sat under a tree on his phone.

Walking straight up to him, he smiled innocently back up at me.

Also smiling, I swung back my fist and smacked him in the nose. Groaning in pain, he looked up towards me with his nose cupped by his hands.

Pouncing on him, I had dropped my bag and began wailing on him, screaming curses as I did so.

"Why are you messing with me!" Ripping his shirt, I was pulled off by Evan who looked more amused than anything else. I saw how Francesca was stood next to him with her phone to her ear. I could tell she was arguing with Tate, as every time she glanced at me, her eyes wers full with pity.

"Let me go Evan!" Doing the complete opposite, he dragged me to the car lot while I kicked and screamed like a maniac.

"Calm down" He squeezed through his teeth as I tried to claw my way out of his grip.

Screaming. "I swear to god I'll kill you!"

Chucking me into Francesca's car, he slid in next to me and rolled his eyes.

"You and I both know you'll look horrible in orange. Plus, do you really want to waste your energy on Stylinsky, or have some fun "


I'm currently doing exams :'(


So I dont know when I will have time to update, but I will try..I promise :)

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now