13- It's not what it looks like

637 25 15

(unedited version)

"Come in?" Her voice sounding confused more than seductive.

Opening the door, I flexed my muscled and started to pout, and fix my hair like I had seen Kit do numerous of times in the changing rooms.

As a pillow came colliding with my face, I heard a roar of laughter leave Carmela's mouth.

"Don't be mean!" She giggled.

"I'm just playing the part correctly? So where was I, oh.... Hey there Beautiful, have I told you you're beautiful before...because you are." Waltzing up to her, I placed my hand in the fold of her back and sat her down on the bed.

"Hi there....Kit..." She spoke with a laugh.


Oh Jesus, I just wanted to touch his chest. Scanning my eyes across the few tattoo's he had only made my hands become clamy.  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I decided to give myself a quick pep talk before doing anything else.

You can do this Carmela, it's acting...nothing less, nothing more, take control. You do not want this toxic heathen of a man. No more than 40 minutes ago, he was bumping uglies with his GIRLFRIEND!

Clearing my throat, I roughly pushed Tate down on the bed making him furrow his eyesbrows up at me.

"Oh Kit.." Swinging one leg over him, I saw how he tensed up slightly, but shortly returned with a smirk in his face.

"Carmela." He whispered.

Pressing my lips gently against his jawline, I looked back into his azure eyes and chuckled.

"Am I doing it right?" I almost teased.

Nodding his head, he tightened his grip around my waist.

As my laughter and his stopped, we sat there staring at eachother, and I dont just mean the point blank staring, I meant the deep thinking staring.

Roughly kissing his lips, he flipped me over making me remember the events of the dinner.

"Are we still acting" he murmured while grazing my lips.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his hips, he moaned softly into my mouth.

"I don't even know" breaking away from the kiss, we both sat there panting away like we had ran a marathon.

"I think you need to some more practise" he smirked while gripping my waist.

In less than 5 seconds, I was in my birthday suit while Tate had slipped on the 'non baby maker'.

Shut up, so what I have nicknames for this shit? Let me live.

What if I died? What if I go to hell? Was this classed as cheating if I wasn't even in a relationship.

As Tate ran his thumb against my cheek, he gave me a kiss that sent sparks across my body.

Laying me down, he never once broke his eye contact, almost trying to reassure me that everything was going to be fine.

"You're beautiful" he whispered in my ear.

Just as he was going to do his thing, I jumped up from my bed and tumbled to the floor.

"Nope, sorry I can't...I'm not that girl. You have a girlfriend, who you literally just had sex with." grabbing my blanket, I wrapped it around me and hung my head in shame. Eugh I had never felt so embarrassed in my entire life, I felt so ashamed of myself.

"we barely even know eachother and you're seducing me" I spoke while shaking my head. Hearing him let out a small bitter laugh, I looked up to see him staring out of my window.

"I seduced you? Cry me a fucking river. whats up with you girls always playing the innocent card? You're the one who pushed me down. 'oh Kit'" he said trying to imitate my voice.

"Oh whatever Tate, I obviously wasnt thinking straight" I spat whilst folding my arms tightly around my chest" The icy silence began to infuriate me even more, why didnt he just leave, why was he still here.

"This is all your fault you know?" Did those words really leave his mouth?

Scoffing, I mumbled profanities under my breath.

As he turned around, I sheilded my eyes so I didnt see anything below his waist, I could tell he was just walking closer, and closer.

"stay wherever you are, or I'll...I'll scream" I warned him whilst still grabbing onto the blanket I had wrapped around me.

"What are you-" His sentence was interrupted by my bedroom door opening and Phoenix's voice.

"What are you- hell fucking no" Phoenix's voice yelled.

Dropping my hand away from my face, I saw how Tate quicky wrapped my bright pink towel around his waist, and stared at me as if asking me what to say.

Just as long as he doesnt say-

"Its not what it looks like" He quickly mumbled while holding his hands up in defence.


Crashing a hand to the front of my face, Tate stared at me with his eyes squinted seconds before getting tackled to the floor by Phoenix.

Really Phoenix,  really.


.Midnight update because I had this chapter just lounging around

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