Chapter 3: Dont forget

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               "Don't forget"

~next day~

"I just wanted to let you know," Dad said, not able to look me in the eye, "that I love you very much. "

The sky over head was cloudless as the hot sun hit our backs. My father and I had woken up early this morning and went out for a ride. The birds sat in the tall trees and sung their songs making a beautiful tune.

I was some what glad with the change in pace. No racing just good old fashion riding. I could tell that my father also valued the slow pacing we were going. That way he had the perfect time to talk to me.

"Daddy this isn't a goodbye. " I replied. "I'm coming back."

"That's what your mother said." He snapped, slipping into one of his episodes. "Look what happened! She's gone! Gone! We'll never see her again!"

"Been a lot of places

I've been all around the world.

Seen a lot of faces

Never knowing where I was

On the horizon

But I know

I know

I know

I know

The moon will be rising

Back home

Livin out of cases

Packin up and takin off

Made a lot of changes

But not forgetting who I was

On the horizon

But I know

I know

I know

I know

The moon will be rising

Back home

Don't forget where you belong home

Don't forget where you belong


If you ever feel alone


You were never on you're own

And the proof is in this song"

I sang trying to calm him down. I usually sang to him to get him back. He said this was his favorite song because it reminded him that he couldn't let the Alzheimer win because he belonged at home. With me.

"Lo siento queirda (I'm sorry darling)" he apologized.

"No hay porblema Papi. (No problem dad) I replied softly, but I was secretly dying inside.


"Ash can you help me pack my bags?" I asked looking down at my phone. It was about five pm, exactly twenty-four hours away from my flight.

"Sure thang girlfriend. " she smiled opening up all my drawers. As she did that I went to my closet to grab my suitcases.

"I'm going to miss you Cade. "

"I'm going to miss you to Ash. "

"Don't forget to text, Skype, call, email, kik, snapchat -"

"I don't think there are any other sites to say. "

"-and FaceTime."

"I won't. "

"And don't forget about me. "

"I won't. I promise."

She stuck out her pinky while I stuck out mine. We locked pink us before going into a pretty elaborate handshake.

About an hour -give or take- we finished packing my bags. We listened to music and talked as we did so.

"All that's left is your riding outfit a Rebel's gear... oh and his hoof set, his teeth set, his food, and all that other crap. " she groaned falling back onto my bed. Laughing, I followed in suit.

"We can call Dev and make him do all the work?" I suggested.

"Good idea. " she gasped pulling out her phone. A sly smirk plate across her lips as she rapidly pounded her thumbs on the screen if her phone.

In the matter of ten minutes Devon was running into my room, out of breath and in a panic. He looked me up and down before realization crossed his face.

"It doesn't look like Caden fell down the stairs and cracked her head open." He snapped. "You made me run two miles in a flipping panic for nothing?!"

"You told him all that?" I asked.

"Well we needed him here fast. He's here and he got here fast. "

"You're horrible. You know that right?"

"We need help packing your stuff!"

Devon glare at her, "you evil little... Ugh you are soooooo luck that I'm in love with you."

With a low growl he scooped her off my bed. She giggled softly as he kissed all over her neck.

"NOT IN MY ROOM! MY INNOCENT EYES. " I shouted covering my eyes.

"You big baby." Ash giggled before leaving my bedroom. Dev and I shared a look before following.

In two hours we got Rebel's things packed, his trailer cleaned and fully stocked with hay, and Rebel washed, fed, and shoes changed.

"All done!" Dev announced.

"You guys up for a sleep over?" I asked.

"Sure. " they replied.

For the rest of the night we hung out and talked not really wanting it to end. Eventually we all feel asleep dreading tomorrow.


Chapter 3 is now done. I'm literally so excited for the rest of this story. I hope you guys are enjoying it. Please remember to comment on parts you liked or didn't like. It would really help me out.

Good bye my turtles.

~ Becca

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