Chapter 19: All Her Little Things

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Somebody’s heartbreak- by Hunter Hayes

Little things- One direction

-Harry’s pov-

“Hey Mike!” I grinned walking into Mike’s office. He looked up from the papers he was looking at and smiled.

“Sup mate?” He asked, getting up from his desk to bro-hug me. “What can I do for ya?”

I held up Caden’s beat up song journal. “I need you to do me a favor."

-Louis’ pov-

I…have just been…friend zoned. Man, I hate life right now….So freaking much.

“What’s wrong Lou?” Caddie asked, probably noticing my sudden change of mood.

This was my chance! My chance to finally tell her how I really felt. The chance to finally win her heart from Harry. Yes I know that she has a major crush on Harry. The way she looks at him makes it obvious how she feels. And the way he looks at her just shows how confused and torn he feels. He was only going to break her already damaged heart, and this was my chance to change all of that.

… And with just my luck the words were caught in my throat…

How could I possibly tell her that I loved the way she fit perfectly into my body? That I loved the way she bit her lip when she was nervous or how she stuck out her tongue when she was thinking. That I loved the way her eyes lit up when she talked about the things she loved. That I adored the fact she still got star struck even though she’s lived with us a little over a month. That I adored the sound of her giggle. Or that I adored the little creases between her brows that only happen when she was focused.

How could I possibly tell her that I was infatuated with the way her nose crinkled when she laughed? That I was infatuated with the way her breath hitched every time I touched her bare, exposed skin. That I was captivated with the fact that she didn’t strive to have the perfect image. That I was captivated with how she wasn’t stick skinny but had some curves. That I was captivated with how her beautiful honey colored eyes changed depending on her mood.

How could I possibly tell her that I was simply in-love with her and all her little things?

“I… uh… I’m in lo- I’m in a little under the weather. That’s all.” I lied straight through my gritted teeth.  

Way to go Louis… You completely blew it.

She cocked her head to the side, like she always did when she didn't believe me. "...Oh well do you want me to call the nurse?" She rested her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"No... It'll pass. Don't worry about me."

She bit her lip then opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. She dramatically sighed and glared at the door.

"Come in." She announced trying to keep the frustration out of her voice.

Dr. Lawrence entered the room, her eyes focused on the clipboard in her hand. The room was silent as she just stood there for a few minutes. When she finally looked up her pupils widened. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Caden asked.

"Manage to get out of your wires and lay down on top of Mr. Tomlinson?"

"I don't even know."

"Huh." Dr. Lawrence hummed, fixating her eyes back onto her clipboard.

Over the next few minutes Dr. Lawrence changed out Camden's forehead bandage, took her temperature, checked her vitals, and looked at her swollen ankle. After that she gave Caden a stern lecture about how she had to take it easy for the next few weeks. Once she was completely done, she said she would call a nurse to re-hook Caden to the machines and then left.

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