chapter 8: scars

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A/N: I'm going to start naming the chapters. so sorry that its taken me a while to update. I've been away in Washington D.C for a school trip.

so once again sorry. Here's chapter 8.


A single tear fell of my eye as I ran my fingers through Rebels mane.

"Hey are you okay?" Louis asked entering the stable.

"Shouldn't you be asking Kendall that?" I mumbled not able to look up at him.

"Nah. She got what was coming to her." Louis replied looking at Rebel with wary eyes.

"He's not going to hurt you. Come over here and stand where I am." I moved to the side so he could take my place. He slowly, and cautiously, came forward. "Okay now softly blow on his nose... No that his nostril, that's his nose."

"Oh. Sorry. " He chuckled before doing as instructed. Rebel blew back causing Louis to jump away in fear.

"No. It's okay. When you blew on his nose you were saying hello so when he blew back he was just replying." I explained dragging Louis back to his former spot. 'Now pet his cheek."

Louis hesitated before doing so. Rebel released a nicker making Louis flinch a little.

"What was that?"

"Its called a nicker. A nicker is a sign of love or affection. He must really like you because he only nickers to me."

Upon hearing this Louis entire demeanor changed. He looked calmer as he continued to pet Rebel.

"How are you so good with horses?"

"My mom was a horse whisperer."


"Yea. She umm... She died in a car accident about two years ago."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I thought it over before nodding. "We were driving to a dress shop to buy dresses for a dance that i was invited to. My mom didn't really want to go but I practically begged her. We were driving on the highway when these two guys were racing. One of the guys lost control of the wheel and slammed into us. We flipped over and crashed into a tree. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt so I flew through the window. The seatbelt snapped back on my mother and broke her neck. The doctors said she died on impact and I was extremely blessed to have not been paralyzed. I was in comatose for 3 months."

I lifted up my sweater to show him the scars on my ribs and stomach. There were tons of white lines across my tan skin. All ranging from long to small and thick to thin.

Louis' eyes were glassy as he looked at them. He looked up at me seeking my permission to touch them. I hesitantly nodded allowing his cold fingers to graze my skin.

"My scars never let me forget what happened. No matter how hard I try to push away the memory. They are a constant reminder of what I lost."

"You are beautiful. These scars are just another part of you. No matter what kind of memory they hold they are a part of your beauty."

"Thanks Lou... Can you not tell the other boys though. "

"Of course not. Its your secret to share not mine."

I gave him a small smile before walking back out with him. I spotted Kendall loudly sobbing into Harry's shoulder. I slowly approached her.

"I'm sorry about Rebel. He is very protective of me and when he saw you try to slap me he kind of freaked out." I apologized.

She quickly looked up at me and glared. "I want that horse gone and I want you gone."

"No." Liam protested. "She is our guest and so is Rebel. If you don't like that then you can just leave. "

I shot Liam a grateful smile ad he put his arm around me. The other boys (except for harry) nodded joking us.

"Guys I can easily catch the next flight home. I don't want to be a bother."

"No." Zayn replied. "You're staying here. "

Kendall huffed as she realized she was out numbered. She pulled Harry down to her lips with his collar and snogged him right in front of us.

Twenty bucks people in Japan heard my heart break into a million little pieces.

She released harry and strutted away. We watched as her back completely disappeared. 

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