Chapter 30: NEVERLAND

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It was two am when we finally got home from the club. Everyone but Liam and I were drunk off their asses. Harry, Louis, Zayn and Devon had fallen asleep on the ride home while Liam and I stayed entertained with Ash and Niall. The other four were so knocked out that Paul had to help us drag them to their rooms. He got Devon and Harry, who were the two biggest guys, while Liam got Zayn and Louis and I dealt with a very drunk Ashtyn and Niall.

“LOOK NIALL THERES A SP-SPINNY THINGY ON THE CEIIIIIIILING!” Ash screamed pointing up at the fan with awe before bursting into a giggling fit.

“WOW! LOOK AT IT GO!” Niall laughed, clapping his hands in amazement.

“Come on you two. The fan will still be there in the morning,” I chuckled trying to beckon them towards the stairs. They didn’t listen.

“Are you… Are you sure?” Ash sniffled, looking as if she was about to start crying.

“Yes I’m sure honey. It’s not going to run away.”

“OF COURSE… OF COURSE IT’S NOT GOING TO RUN AWAY! IT DOESN’T HAVE LEGS. IF ANYTHING, IT WOULD FLY AWAY YOU SILLY GOOSE,” Niall replied as if this were the most obvious thing in the world.


“I don’t know how to get there,” Niall sighed sadly.

“It’s the second star to the right. We just gotta keep going until morning,” She replied, trying to climb on top of the coffee table to get to the fan. In her drunken state, it was going to take her a while.

“I’LL GO GRAB THE FOOD! WE’RE GOING TO NEED SOME SNACKS!” He screamed stumbling into the kitchen.

“What about our clothes?”

“Screw clothing… We can go comaaaaaandooooooo,” He returned with an arm full of food in only his boxers. Ash squealed in delight and chucked off her leather jacket. Liam chose this moment to walk into the living room and stopped when he saw Niall in his knickers and Ash attempting to take off her dress and reach the ceiling fan at the same time. He immediately stopped in his tracks and stared at them for a couple seconds.

“What’s ummm… What’s going on here?” he asked me.

“They decided that they’re going to ride the ceiling fan all the way to Neverland,” I replied, “But Niall decided that going with clothes on is too mainstream and all they really need is food.”

“Ahh. You need some help?”

“As entertaining as this is… Yes, help would be nice.”

It took a while, but we eventually got them into their beds. Ash and Devon were sharing the guest room, so trying to get Ash into bed without waking Devon was a nightmare. She kept giggling and shushing us even though it was her making all the noise. After we got Ash dealt with, we put Niall in his room.

“Caddie?” Niall croaked out just as Liam and I were about to leave the room.

“Yes darling?”

“Can you sing to me?”

Sighing, I made my way back over to him. He moved over to make some room for me to sit down on the edge of his bed. I waved Liam over but he opted to stay by the doorway. I reached out and played with Niall’s hair, hoping that it would lull him to sleep.

“What song Ni?” I whispered, moving down to rub circles on his back.

“Any song,” he mumbled, already beginning to drift off.

After thinking for a second, I decided to do one of my all-time favorites: The A Team. I barely made it to the second verse when Niall started to snore. Softly chuckling, I quickly pecked the top of his forehead before walking over to Liam who was giving me a smile of adoration. We slowly crept out of his room and into the hallway, quietly shutting the door as we left.

“You’re amazing. You know that right?” Liam said, putting his arms around my shoulder.

“I’m nothing special. I’m just very blessed,” I shrug, feeling my cheeks light up from the compliment. Liam snorted but didn’t say anything. “You can go to bed Li. I’m just going to check up on everyone before I hit the hay.”

“See? Amazing.”

“No. Motherly instinct.”

He shook his head with a smile, kissing the top of my hair softly before walking into his room. Right before he closed the door he whisper-shouted a, “Goodnight Caddie.”

“Night Li-li,” I whispered back, making my way to my room. I rapidly changed into my pajamas before walking over to Zayn’s room. I made sure that he was laying on his side, with the blanket up to his chin so he wouldn’t get cold before exiting. I slowly made my way around to everyone’s rooms, making sure that they were asleep and not drowning in a pile of their vomit. My last stop was Harry’s room.

Harry was lying face down on his bed with his blanket falling off the bed. Groaning, I trudge over to his bed to attempt at fixing him. No such luck. He was so heavy I couldn’t possibly move him on my own. They only way to get him in the right position would be to wake him up.

“Harry, honey, you need to wake up,” I whispered, softly shaking his shoulder to wake him. He moaned, lifting his hand to shoo me away. “Come on now. Don’t be like that. You need to get up.”

“Ugh… fine,” he mumbled, pushing himself into a sitting position. I helped him lay down on his side and put the blanket back on top of him. “I don’t… feel so good.” His face scrunched up in discomfort and his face paled.

I put my hand to his forehead and winced when I felt how hot he was, “Haz do you want me to stay the night?”

“Yes please,” he answered, lazily patting the spot next to him. He scooted over so I could lay comfortably without falling off the edge.

“You’re lucky I don’t get sick easy,” I giggled, crawling into bed next to him. He inched forward so that our faces were a few inches apart. I reached over and played with his curls, knowing that relaxed him. Hopefully he would fall asleep quickly.

Just before he drifted off he whispered, “Night Caddie. I love you.”

His last three little words made my heart stop and my blood run cold. A few months ago I would have killed to hear Harry say those three words. I would have given everything I owned to be able to lay in bed with him and play with his curls. But now… now, my heart is so conflicted and torn that I don’t know what to feel.

“Oh Harry,” I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes, “What am I supposed to do with you?”

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