Chapter 17: Kiss Kiss

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If anybody has any song suggestions for the story that would be great! I would love to hear them! Remember to comment and vote.

‘I fell in love the way you fall asleep:  slowly, then all at once.” – John Green

All of our stars- Ed Sheeran

Kiss me- Ed Sheeran

~Caden’s POV~

The sound of Louis heavy breathing was the only noise in my quiet room. He had fallen asleep long before, leaving me to my thoughts. I took a glance over at him, he looked peaceful as he slept.

I looked back up to the ceiling with a sigh. Doctor Lawrence, the one who had stitched up my head and put a cast on my broken leg, had said something that would surely haunt me for the rest of the night. Just remembering her words made me shudder and break out in a cold sweat in pure fear.

There’s no easy way to say this.” Dr. Lawrence sighed as she walked back into the room from doing my blood tests. “So I’m going to just come out and say it… Caden you have a 95% chance of getting cancer.”

The odds were ever against me. 95, a freaking 95, percent chance of getting cancer, like I didn’t have enough on my plate. With my father battling Alzheimer and living with one direction for a year, I didn’t have time for cancer. It would ruin everything … it would ruin me.

I let out a deep sigh, accidentally waking up Louis. He yawned loudly and stretched his arms out.

“What time is it?” he groggily whispered, his voice cracking in a few places.

I glanced over at the clock on the far side of the wall. “About two thirty.”

“Why are you still up? I know for a fact that you love to sleep. So why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind I guess.”

“Got a battle going on?”


He bit his lip, his eyes scanning my face. He leaned in and rested his forehead against mine. He was so close, my heart was beating out of my chest. The soft skin of my hand collided with his calloused one making me draw in a sharp breath. He started to lean in for a kiss. My body curved up to meet his.

Our lips brushed lightly at first, but Lou pressed his lips harder -hungrier- against mine, deepening the kiss. My heart was in my ears and my stomach was doing flip flops. He tasted of peppermint bubblegum and raspberries.

Everything was going perfectly… until my phone let out an ear-piercing wail, indicating that someone was calling me. I let out a groan and reached for my cell. The ID said that it was Ashtyn calling me. I answered the phone, putting it on speaker.

“Hello?” I sighed.

“Well it’s nice to hear from you to babe.” Ash snapped, sarcasm laced in her tone of voice.

“Sorry. I’m just a little tired.” I yawned.

“What time is it there anyway?”

“Two thirty.”

“Why the hell are you still awake?”

I looked over at Lou who grinned. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

“… Uh. I’m watching a movie with Lou.”

“At two in the morning?”


“You are a horrible liar.”

Lou bust out in silent laughter at that. I glared at him and pinched his arm making him let out a soft yelp.

“Yea I know.”

“Are you even with Louis?”

“Yes. He’s lying next to me in bed.”


“It’s not my room. I’m in the hospital.”

“Oh my gosh. Is Louis okay?”

Louis awed and whipped away a fake tear. He put his hand over his heart and smiled.

“Louis is fine. I’m technically the reason why we’re here.”

“What did you do?”

“I slipped broke my leg and cracked my head open.”


“Shut up. The ground went out from under me, so it’s not really my fault.”

“You’re still a klutz.”

“Im hanging up.”


“I thought you liked Niall?”

“I do. But I mean its Louis we’re talking about. I would let him take me home any day. He’s like… sex on a stick. You even said yourself that he was a sexy beast. ”

My face immediately burst into flames. An Evil smirk grew on Louis face as he let the compliment go to his head.

“You’re on speaker love.” Louis chuckled.

“… Did you hear all of that?”

“Every last word babe.”


“Sorry boo.” I laughed. “Anyways say your goodbyes because I’m tired and I want to go to sleep.”

“Okay. Bye Louis. Bye Caddie.”

“Bye.” Louis and I replied at the same time. I hung up the phone and tossed it on the chair that sat next to me. Lou let out a deep sigh before kissing the top of my head. Neither of us said anything. I just snuggled deeper into his chest as he played with my hair. My lips itched to be pressed against his, but I fought the urge. Instead I took a deep breath and let the sound of Louis heart beat lure me into a dreamless slumber.

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