Chapter 20: Kiss the girl

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She will be loved ~ Maroon 5

Kiss the girl~ Little Mermaid

~Louis Pov~

“I just want her to feel loved… You know? Harry’s my best mate, and I love him a lot, but I know that I could treat her so much better than he can. He’s so confused and torn and you can clearly see that. He’s stuck between what management wants and approves of, and what he actually wants. And because of that confusion he’s going to break her heart into a billion little pieces when what he should actually be doing is trying to fix the already broken parts… It’s just that she has all these walls up, and I want so desperately to tear them down and show her what she’s missing.” I ranted combing my fingers through my hair.

“That right there is true love mate.” Zayn admitted after a few seconds of silence. “I think you need to man up and ask her out before Harry comes to his senses and gets to her before you do.”

Today was the day that Caden was supposed to be released from the hospital. It was also the day she was going to be coming with us to her first interview. To say she was excited was an understatement. She wouldn’t shut up about it yesterday when the boys and I were hanging with her. Or at least almost all of the boys and I. Harry was nowhere to be found.

Right now Zayn, Niall, and I were all sitting in the dressing room at the building we were going to be interviewed at. Liam and Paul were at the hospital checking Caden out. Harry, well I don’t even know where the curly haired lad was. He had completely disappeared before any of us were even awake. WE can only hope he would show up in time for the interview.

Niall opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the door opening. All of our heads turned to see Harry walking in with a goofy grin on his face. “Sorry I’m late… I had some stuff to do.”

“At least you made it.” Niall replied.


“Okay. Now that most of you are here we can finally get started.” Lou said clapping her hands. She got her make up kit for Niall out and started to get to work. Each one of us have our own make up kits since we all have different skin tones or some s h i t like that.

“Where’s Liam?” Harry asked.

“He’s at the hospital with Paul picking up Caden.” Zayn answered. “So where have you been mate?”

Harry opened his mouth to reply when the door opened a second time. We, once again, turned our heads to see Caden standing on crutches in the door way looking absolutely gorgeous. All of our mouths dropped at the sight of her.

She was wearing a black dress with a floral bottom that hugged her in all the right places.  Her hair had been curled and held back by a black bow. This moved away her hair from her face, which gave us the perfect view of her natural make up. On her right foot was a medical boot for her twisted ankle and on her left was a cowboy boot. Her nails had been painted pink with a deer symbol on the ring finger.

She looked absolutely breath taking.

“What do you think?” She mumbled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Uh… You look uhm… You look great.” I stuttered.

She smiled and dropped her head. A slight pink blush was creeping onto cheeks, and I was for certain that she was trying to hide it.

All of the sudden all I could think of was “Kiss the girl” from the Little Mermaid. I don’t know why that song popped into my head, but it did. Now that I think about it though, it fit my situation perfectly.

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