chapter 9: Gummy bear war

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"SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE LIAM!" Harry shouted one Kendall was out of hearing range.

"Maybe I should go." I suggested in a quite voice.

"YES!" Harry shouted as the rest of them shouted a 'No.'

"I don't want to cause any trouble. "

"You already have."

"Harry you need to calm down." Louis snapped.

Harry took a few deep breaths before smiling apologetically. "I've been an ass to you. I'm sorry. Its been a long day. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course. Everyone has their bad days." I smiled.

"Can we start over?"

"Of course. Hi I'm Cade."

"I'm Harry. Nice to meet you. "

He held his arms out and hugged me tightly. He smelt good. Like cologne and hair gel. I took a deep breath trying to take in as much of him as possible. All to soon he pulled away, shooting me his million dollar smile.

"How about we go out to lunch so we can get to know each other." Niall suggested. "And plus I'm hungry. "

"When are you not hungry Ni?" Louis joked.

"I think that's a great idea. " Liam added. "Where to Caden?"


"YES! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Niall shouted.

"I love you to Niall. "

He gave me a sloppy kiss on my cheek before running into the house.

"Hey Caden do you want to change before we go?" Louis asked looking me over. I nodded but then remembered Rebel in the stables still loaded in tack.

"Yea. Can you do me a favor though?"

"Sure love."

"Can you unload Rebel and place his tack in the stall next to him. Have the boys help you though because its pretty difficult for one person. Show them how to great Rebel so none of of them get hurt. "

"Okay. Come along boys. We're going to help a pretty girl unload a large horse."

I rolled my eyes and headed into the house.

~Louis pov~

"Don't be afraid the horse expert is here. " I joked using a Superman tone.

"Since when are you a horse expert?" Zayn asked as we entered the stable.

"Since forever." I snapped faking a hurt expression. "How dare you? And I thought you guys were my brothers."

"Lou everybody knows that you and I are more than brothers." Harry corrected placing his hand on my cheek.

"Of course cupcake. You and I got something special." I replied leaning my head into his hand.

"I love you boo. "

"I love you to cupcake. "

"You done yet?" Liam asked



"Don't you dare drag me into this Liam."

"But... but.. I thought you love me. I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT ME!"

"I never loved you. Niall's always been the one I want."

"GUYS! We need to unload the horse." Harry interrupted pointing towards Rebel who was watching our little display.

"Right. The horse." I cooed. I brought the boys to the stable and showed them how to correctly greet Rebel. After a few minutes we were unloading Rebel and dragging his stuff into the stall next to his.

"Thanks so much for the help. " Cadan smiled walking into the stable. She had let her pretty curls free and covered them with an obey snapback. Her eyelashes had a coat of mascara, making them look longer. She traded her riding boots for white converse.

"No problem love." Harry smiled wiping his hands on his jeans.

"We better hurry. Niall is waiting in the car and I'm afraid hell try to eat his hand if we don't get to nandos fast enough."

"Who's car is he in?" Harry asked.

"Yours I think." She answered.

He cursed under his breath and took off running towards the garage. The last time we kept Niall waiting in Harry's car he trashed the car looking for Harry's secret stash of gummy bears. He eventually found it and ate the entire bag in minutes.

"Come on guys. Let's go." I ordered walking out of the stable with Caden.





we walked into the garage to see Harry on top of Niall, pinning his arms over his head. There was a half eaten bag of gummy bears discarded next to them. 

I dove for the gummy bears and tossed them to Liam. Liam then took a handful and threw them at Harry. Harry frantically tried to grab as many as he could as Liam pelted him with them.

Caden grabbed the bag from Liam and took off. Harry scrambled to his feet, accidentally hitting Niall in the balls. Niall yelped, cupping his balls in his hands through his pants.

Harry didn't look back once as he chased Caden around. Caden shoved a handful of gummy bears into her mouth before having the bag down her bra.

"Don't think I won't try to come after them. " Harry shouted upon seeing this.

"Touch me and die. " she replied.

"Give me the bears. "

"Never. Zayn catch!"

She tossed the bag to Zayn who fumbled. Harry pounced on Zayn and grabbed the bag.

"VICTORY!" Haz shouted before eating some of the gummy bears.

"ZAYN!" Caden yelled flicking his head.

"IM SORRY. I wasn't parting attention."

"Clearly. "

"Be nice. "

"Sorry Zaynie poo."

"I don't like that nickname."

"Well to bad. Deal with it. "

"come on you two. get into the car. " Liam ordered.

We began to get into the car but i soon realized that there weren't enough seats for all of us.

"You'll have to sit in someone's lap love." I told her.

"I'll sit on yours if that's okay?"

"That's okay."

I climbed into the car before she did so she could sit on my lap.

"TO NANDOS!" Niall shouted as we took off.


Hey guys. chapter 9 is finally up. please comment and vote. it means a lot to me.

love you guys


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