chapter 15: Cold water

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                 Cold water

~Caden’s pov~

The loud sound of someone cheering snapped me out of the sleeping state I was in. A loud yawn escaped my dry lips, as I brought up my hands to tiredly rub my eyes.  A Ramones shirt slipped off of the crook of my arm. I looked at it with confusion until I realize that it was Harry’s shirt. Sitting up, I gazed around the waterfall. Louis and Liam were taking turns on the rope swing, Niall was helping Zayn get his floaties on, and harry was jumping off the cliff into the water.

I grinned, grabbing my phone and taking a picture of the five idiots. They continued to do what they were doing without any knowledge of the picture just taken of them. They looked happy and care free as they enjoyed their time off from work.

My attention was brought back because of harry back flipping off the cliff. The boys cheered him on as he landed, with a perfect dive, right into the water. He popped back up, smiling like a mad man, but then frowned.

“Boys be quite, Caden is still sleeping.” He warned, shushing them. My heart swelled at the small, but kind, gesture.

“It’s okay Harry. I’m awake.” I announced. The boy’s heads snapped in my direction, smiles wide on their faces.

“Morning sleeping beauty!” Louis yelled. “About time you woke up.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up. My tired muscles screamed as I stretched them out. “How long was I out?”

“An hour and a half.” Liam answered glancing at his wrist watch.

Nodding slowly, I began to strip off the shirt and shorts. The boys released wolf-whistles causing a bright pink blush to grace my face. I stuck out my tongue just as I peeled off my shirt.

“Come in. The water’s great!” Niall announced trying to puff air into Zayn’s floaties.

“Nice floaties.” I snickered as I walked towards the edge of the pool.

“DON’T JUDGE ME!” he yelled back, pouting like a little boy. I smiled, blowing him a kiss. He pretended to reach out and grab it, shoving the ‘kiss’ into his swim trunks pocket.

I giggled at his actions before turning my attention to the water before me. I stuck my toe into the water, shivering as the cold crawled up my spine. “The water is freezing, Ni!”

“Oh come on. Come swim!” Harry shouted swimming towards me.

“Hell no. I’m going to tan.”

“Don’t be a part pooper caddie.”

“I’m not going in."

I begin to walk away backwards, when suddenly the ground beneath me shifted, making me lose my footing and slip into the icy water below.

I gasped as i fell face first into the water, a million little knives stabbing at my exposed skin. My throat screamed in agony as I accidentally swallowed some of the cold liquid, causing me to choke. My arms and legs failed around me as I tried to- unsuccessfully- bring myself to the surface.

And with my luck I hit my head on a sharp rock as I fell deeper into the surprisingly deep pool. A red cloud of blood swirled surrounded me. It danced around my head, creating a beautiful scene. It was almost captivating, watching the red liquid mix with the water. 

The dance was interrupted by a large hand reaching out and pulling me up. As I was pulled to the top I gasped for air, swallowing more water. I needed oxygen, and quickly.

Harrys green eyes filled my vision as he pulled me onto shore. His lips moved, but I couldn’t hear him. My body was disconnected from my brain and I couldn’t move. My eye lids slipped shut but no matter how hard I tried, I was frozen.

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