Chapter 24: Lazy day

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I woke up around three in the morning with four idiots strewed around my bed. The sight was really something to laugh at, and i just wished that someone was here to take a picture. Louis was lying next to me on the right side, Zayn was strewed at the foot of the bed with his head resting on Louis legs. Liam was slightly hanging of the left edge of the bed, and Niall’s feet were on Zayn’s stomach and his head was on Liam’s shoulder. My legs were on top of Niall’s stomach and my upper-half was laying on top of Louis stomach, so I was laying diagonal to Zayn. Louis was the only one of us who was sleeping somewhat normally.

The only person I noticed was missing was Harry. This wasn’t right, even though I was mad at him he should be here to cuddle with us. As quietly as I could, I reached over Liam and Niall and attempted to grab my cellphone off the nightstand. After a few attempted tries that failed horribly, I finally managed to get it in my grasp.

To Harry:

From Caden:

Where you at?

To Caden

From Harry:

Sleeping. It’s three in the morning!!

To Harry:

From Caden:

Come cuddle! It’s not the same without you :(

To Caden:

From Harry:

Are you sure????

To Harry:

From Caden:

Yes, I’m sure. I’m not mad at you Harry just hurt. But I feel bad because you aren’t here. These boys have been your friends longer than they’ve been mine. Now if you don’t get your butt over here God so help me Harry, I will come and get you myself and it will not be pretty. >:(

To Caden:

From Harry:

I’ll be there in a minute. Just let me put on some pants.


I smiled to myself, then tried tossing the phone back onto the nightstand. Along the way I accidently hit Niall in the face with my elbow. His eyes fluttered opened and he yawned softly.

“Sorry Ni. Go back to sleep.” I whispered. He nodded his head before going back to sleep.

A few minutes later Harry was slowly creeping into my room. When he saw the way we were all laying he stopped and let out a softly laugh, “Only you lot.”

 “Don’t judge,” I whisper shouted, waving him over to the bed. “Pick a spot and get to sleep.”

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted before crawling over Niall and Liam. He laid his head on Louis stomach and placed his feet on Niall’s chest, so that he was laying right next to me. He smiled softly, starting to get comfortable.

“Good night Haz.”

“Good night. And thank you for texting me to come here.”

“No problem. Now go to sleep.”

The second time I woke up was because of a scream. I jumped up, knocking head with Harry who was already sitting. Niall quickly sat up, lost his balance, and landed on the floor. Louis was the next one to jump up, kicking Zayn in the head. Zayn yelped and rolled off the edge of the bed, landing on the floor. Liam jolted awake, also rolling off the edge only to land on Niall.

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