chapter 7: well that escilated quickly

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    "Well that escalated quickly"

~cadens pov~

How. Dare. She! How dare she call Rebel a beast.

"Come on Rebel. Its time to show off" I told him leading him out of the stall and into the pasture. "Hey Niall can you go get me the black polka dot suitcase please?"

"Sure." he smiled running back inside. He came back a few minutes later huffing and puffing with my suitcase. "what is here?"

"My riding outfit and Rebels writing tack." I answered opening the bag. I took out the saddle, the brittle, the saddle rug, the stirrups , the reigns, my black helmet, and my boots.

I undid my bun and replaced it with a sloppy braid. after I put on mg boots and helmet, I loaded Rebel up with all his gear.

"Okay . Liam, Louis, Zayn, you guys are gunna be the barrels." I announced dragging them into a clover leaf position.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Liam asked as I mounted Rebel.  

"Of course I'm sure. Rebel's only ran over someone once. If he does it'll be so quick you'll barely feel the pain for a few seconds."


"Don't worry. You'll be fine!"

"Just ride already!" Kendall screamed in aggravation.

"Someone needs to time!" I snapped.

"I'll time." Niall volunteered.

"Don't start until we pass Harry. "

"okay. "

I took a deep breath and bent down so that my body molded with Rebel. I synched my breathing with his before squeezing my legs together. "YAA!"

Rebel took off in a full sprint towards Zayn. He made a full circle before moving onto Liam who looked like he was about to crap himself. Once we finally finish rounding him he fell to the ground in relief. Finally we made our way to Louis who was cheering like crazy. I flashed him a smile as Rebel circled him.

I slowed Rebel to a trot as we finished.

"A minute, twenty-three seconds. Is that good?" Niall asked.

"That's great!" I answered patting Rebels neck. I pulled to the left of Rebels reigns, leading him to Kendall. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. "Don't you EVER call my horse stupid. He knows twenty commands from my body language alone, sixty vocal commands, and thirty hand commands. He can sense human emotions and he can respond correctly by my tone. Can you do all of of that?" I snapped jumping off of rebel.

"Maybe he's not that stupid." She admitted. she brought out her had to pet him. He released a loud squeal, flattened his ears, and bucked.

"Hey. hey. Calm down. Calm boy. " I said stepping in front of him. Everybody else backed away in fear of getting kicked. He stopped bucking and snorted. "Good boy. Good boy."

"Good boy!? He almost killed me." Kendall screeched, clutching onto Harry's arm. 

"Rebel can also sense danger. Seems to me, he sees you as a threat. " I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." she growled lifting her hands to slap me. Rebel, upon seeing this, ran in between us and hit her in the gut with a switch of his tail.

"Rebel. Stop it." I scolded taking his rein and softly pulling on it. He lowered his head to get out of the pressure so I released the rein. this action calmed him down enough to lead him into the stable.

In the back ground I could hear Kendall full out sobbing. "I want her and that horse gone. G. O. N. E. GONE!"


Chapter 7 as promised. I'll (hopefully) get another one up tomorrow. please vote and comment it means the world to me.

Love you guys.


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