Chapter Two

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Three days had passed, and not once had I seen her. During those three days I had waited like most days after my work day had ended. Standing there in the street, searching and hoping for her to simply walk by. I never wanted to move, simply because I was fearful that if I did I would lose my chance.

But now as I sat in my desk chair, staring at the computer screen before me in my own apartment, I began to allow my mind to roam on all that I knew of her small doings over the course of the time that I had been watching her.

I knew to many my behaviour and actions would been seen as threatening to this woman's safety. I was well aware that I had now developed a bit of a stalker type attitude when it came to her. Each time this thought entered my mind though, I simply pushed it aside, telling myself that there was nothing different in the way I was pursuing this current woman to how I had pursued other woman in my past. But my conscience always piped up, telling me that I was deluding myself, and if I wasn't very careful, the situation could turn bad, and because of my actions, I would be seen as exactly that. A stalker.

Only with other woman in my past, I had never gone to such great lengths before. I wouldn't deny that it scared me when I had found myself following her in the months that had passed, curious merely of where she was going. In some of these times I would stop, question myself, knowing that what I was doing was wrong, only to have my curiosity of her win against the warnings.

Yet it was in this time I had come to discovered she had her little rituals before she began her work day. It had become exceedingly frustrating for me when I realised that her work hours were always different, which made it harder for me to plan my endeavours in seeing her. Yet after a while I found that not much changed drastically, and my chase became easier.

I knew where she went before she started work, with her always making sure she bought coffee at the same cafe each time, and then after she would make her way to her work place. Knowing where she worked made it even more easier for me, and at times I found myself sitting on the outdoor bench, watching her work when I had taken the chance to see if she was there.

I found great joy in watching her with people, envying them when she graced them with her presence and conversed with them. During these times I often wondered if she was aware of me watching her. And yes, my greatest joy was simply watching her, the way she slowly walked through the store, stopping at times to glance outside, with some moments it seemed as if she was looking directly at me, which caused my heart to stop in my chest. It was only when she looked away, carrying on about her business like before, I found myself breathing again.

Everything about her intrigued me. Her walk, the way she moved, her manner, her smile, and my need to know her only grew more intense. There were times where I found her outside reading in the warmth of the sun in the city street, near her workplace with the world passing by her as she remained lost in her own world.

There had been one particular day I had found her like this, and had watched a man approach her, breaking her away from her book only sit down beside her. I had watched the two of them talk together, jealousy and anger raged within me, as my mind had raced with thoughts of wishing the man would leave her alone, and of why I hadn't been so bold as to approach her just like he had.

As this thought of her crossed my mind, I remembered the book she had dropped when I had deliberately bumped into her on the street a few days earlier. I leaned forward quickly and began to open a new search window on my computer, and typed the title I had seen on the cover of the book into the search engine. I didn't have to wait long for the results to appear, and clicked onto the first link.

I placed my elbow on the top of my desk, resting my chin on my thumb with my index finger over my mouth as I began to read the description of the book. After a few moments I raised my eyebrows in startled surprise, and pulled back from the screen to stare at it in shock. What I discovered I had not been prepared for at all.

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