Chapter Nine

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I stood behind the counter within my apartment kitchen, watching Nevaeh look out my apartment window while I poured both of us a glass of wine each. It was hard for me to take my eyes off of her.

I had not left it long after our first date to see her again, giving leave of only three days before I had called her, and invited her to spend some time with me on the weekend. I hadn't really planned anything for us to do, we had simply spent the day walking the city streets together. The weather had been glorious for such a simple affair, and I had found that by being with her and doing near next to nothing, I had enjoyed myself greatly.

With her, I had seen more of the city than I ever had in the entire time I had lived there, with us both discovering hidden little treasures of random shops down small ally ways, and the city streets themselves. She had made me laugh more than I ever had on that second date of ours, with me finding that she had a very youthful and carefree spirit about her.

I was completely mesmerised by her as watched her then by the window, with my mind thinking of our second date, the way she looked in the light of the setting sun that was shining through the window, even with her back to me, held me captivated. She was wearing a long floral dress, delicate and flowing. When I first saw her, as I had opened my apartment door with her standing on the other side of it, I had become breathless.

The neckline of her dress was low enough to give me a hint of what was underneath the material, but not so low as to give away too much. It was modest really, respectable. I could see the dress was one which wrapped around her waist and was held on her body by two very thin pieces of material that were tied into a bow that hung on her left hip. I had wanted to grin at the thought of how easy the dress would make it for me. All I had to do was untie the thin material that held the dress around her to reveal her body to me completely.

All I could say was that I was truly grateful for the warmer weather, for it permitted me to see her in such beautiful clothing. She had great taste in her choice of fashion, the classy type, womanly, always delicate in some form, which to me made her even more desirable. So much like sweet innocence, I thought as I stood there a while longer simply watching her.

In the time we had spent together, I discovered that she was quite quirky. I realised it had suited her well, and found I simply adored her even more. She had the energy and delight of a child in the way of her behaviourism's. Often when she let loose in front of me, she would look up at me, taking in my expression at her random behaviour of humour or carefree carelessness, only to fidget and grow shy right before my eyes, with her true personality fading away before me, and in turn she apologised for her ways.

I would always simply smile at her, take her hand into my own to kiss it gently, and told her to never hide from me, or change who she was. After a few times that she had done this, with my response always being the same, I found I had to stop myself from telling her that it was what I was finding I was loving most about her.

The day of our second date had passed much too quickly for me, and in its ending, I asked her to grace me with the opportunity to have her over, with my desire to have a intimate dinner alone within my apartment. I had been nearly beside myself when she had agreed willingly.

The night had been an amazing one for me. I had desired to cook for her, and was pleased that she had complimented me on my skills in the kitchen. We had spent most of the night talking, before I chanced making the night even more intimate with her. Our second date had given us the opportunity to share a few passionate moments of kissing, but she always halted these moments before it became too heated, each time she always left me yearning for more.

I had been hoping that night, when I first had her in my apartment, I would be able to extend these moments much further. Although I wasn't prepared for her to hold such self control over her own desires. I had found she desired me greatly that first night in my apartment, giving me all of herself as I kissed her. But as the hour grew late and our passions had mounted, I had felt her place her hand softly on my chest when I had moved her to lay underneath me on the couch, causing me to stop and look at her in question as she slowly pushed me back from her and rose to sit beside me.

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