Chapter Thirty Three

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I stood there within the hallway of the hospital, waiting with great impatience to hear word about Nevaeh, while two policemen stood beside me throwing the same questions my way, ones which I had no answers to, and in my own sorrow, my patience was wearing thin.

" I told you I don't know what his last name is." I growled, taking my frustration out directly on the police officer and turned to face them fiercely. They both stood their ground and watched me fume in front of them.

" Okay, okay. We need you to remain calm. We are only trying to help here Cael, and in order to do that we need as much information about your fiancée's ex boyfriend as we can aqquire from you." One of the officers told me, and I simply bowed my head, nodding weakly as I let my grief consume me.

" I know." I said in a soft whisper, and I heard my name being spoken from behind me, and I quickly turned around to see a single doctor standing before me.

" Mr Roberts?" He questioned again, and I could see by the expression on his face that he was tired and his expression was filled with immense compassion.

" Yes." I replied quietly, fixing my eyes on him and waited impatiently for whatever he had to tell me regarding Nevaeh.

" Is she..... Nevaeh...... is she...." I couldn't bring myself to say more, and the doctor turned away from me, after looking at the two policemen pensively and ushered me to follow him.

In silence I followed closely behind the doctor through the two large doors leading into the hallways where the operating theatres were located, until we came to the intensive care unit. I breathed deeply as we entered through the set of double doors, and after what felt like hours, we came to stand by a closed door with windows that had venetian blinds hanging down over them that were only slightly closed.

The doctor opened the door and stepped into the room with me following behind feeling lost and unsure of what to expect. My eyes fell instantly upon the bed within the centre of the room, and I stifled a cry when I saw Nevaeh within it, and I realised I simply couldn't move from where I stood due to the shock I felt. I had barely heard the doctor begin to speak after he had closed the door behind us while I stared at Nevaeh feeling numb with grief and utterly lost due to seeing her the way she was.

" Mr Roberts the wounds that had been inflicted on her were extensive and extremely life threatening. For now we have done all we can in order to save her life, and we can only wait to see if she will pull through in her fight to survive. "

" Will she survive?" I asked as if I had not heard him at all, unable to take my eyes from her while I scanned over her face, now able to see the extent of the harm that had been done to her from Jonathan's hands. The bruises that covered her beautiful face were becoming more apparent in colour, and small and large lacerations were now more visible with her blood no longer covering her face. There was not a single inch of her exposed body that had been left unharmed. Her arms mirrored the damage that she had suffered upon her face, and I was scared to see that she was on oxygen in order to keep her breathing.

" Only time can tell. We are hoping she will pull through. She has not only suffered extensive external wounds due to the physical harm caused, but also internally."

" Wait, what do you mean by internally?" I asked, now turning my head to look at the doctor as my pain became overwhelming, and in all honest truth I was not sure I really wanted to know the answer to what I was asking.

" This will not be easy for you to hear, and please I apologise to be the one who must inform you, but the damage done to her was brutal, more so than anything I have ever seen. We can only believe that she wasn't only just raped by her attacker but he, due to the internal injuries she is suffering, we are lead to believe he may have used an instrument of some kind to cause more damage inside her internally."

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