Chapter Seven

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There Nevaeh and I sat within the small, quiet, dim lit restaurant waiting for our meals, the conversation between the two of us flowed effortlessly, and many times I consistently found myself shocked at the emotions Nevaeh was making me feel.

I was pondering on thoughts that had never entered my mind before. I couldn't help but feel slightly frightened by my constant questioning thoughts of if I was longing for something more meaningful to share with her, something more than just a simple night together. Never had I been one to want a relationship, but with her, the more I got to know her, the more I found myself wanting to have one with her.

I was thinking so seriously about sharing a future with her that it scared me at times. It went against everything I was, everything I desired, I felt as though I were losing control of the life I enjoyed living with my constant thoughts, and yet that way of life did not make sense to me while I was with her. The only thing that seemed make sense was being with her, and I couldn't figure out why.

I didn't believe for one second that my feelings had grown deeper for her in such a short amount of time. To me they simply couldn't have, it was only our first date, and for me to feel such emotions were beyond my comprehension.

Yet I found I was mesmerised by her in every way. I loved how expressive she was when she spoke, how her eyes lit up when she talked of things she loved, how they dimmed when she talked of things she didn't. She was a complete open book, so easy to read, leaving no room for mystery, or intrigue, which in the past, such openness would have made me feel bored within the first fifteen minutes of a date. But there I was, hanging on to every word she spoke, and I was very surprised by her responses when she answered my questions.

I would have never imagined her holding a wealth of knowledge within her mind as she talked of her love for philosophy, science, metaphysics and physics alike, the universe, and even more simply, her hobbies, with each topic I found I was utterly engrossed simply by the way she spoke, and the things I was learning from her.

Such things had never once crossed my mind before at any point in time in my life, I had no care for the mysteries of life, yet with her I found my questions were my own wonderings upon these subjects and each time she gave me the answers. Her intelligence was almost beyond my comprehension.

I had only ever filled my life with work and sex, nothing more, and yet, before me sat a woman with a world full of information and knowledge, with life long dreams and goals that she was determined to achieve, and I was finding her passion for it all intoxicating.

I held her eyes with my own for a few moments and smirked at her slightly.

" So tell me the story of how you came to be named Nevaeh. Did your parents have a night so heavenly they had to name you after heaven." I joked impulsively and frankly, wanting to see how she handled herself with the prospect of sex thrown in her face. I was aware that to speak of her parents in the act would cause her discomfort, and was utterly wrong and rude, and yet I laughed as she scowled her face up as she continued to look at me.

" If ever there was such a line, I think that one will haunt me forever." She replied shaking her head in slight shock. " But what you ask about is far from the story they have given me. Oh god Cael, did you have to say that." She exclaimed to me light heartedly, as I laughed at her responses and expressions.

" I'm sorry Nevaeh, It truly was wrong of me to put such an image into your mind." I carried on with a joking yet flirtatious grin. She stared at me for a few moments with her mouth gaping open in shocked disbelief.

" Well if I didn't have the image before, I certainly do now. You are terrible Cael. Now stop it or you will never know the answer." She demanded to me, shock still written upon her face, and yet the right corner of her lips rose into a small smirk.

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