Chapter Thirty Four

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I sat at my computer desk in my apartment, my mind whirling with images and the moments Nevaeh and I had shared together. The shrill ringing of my mobile woke me up from my reverie of her, and I growled viciously. Our memories were all I had left to hang on to now, and with her was the only place I longed to be. I quickly picked up my mobile and answered it in anger at whoever was on the other end.

" Yes." I spat venomously, my hate and anger for whoever was calling was fierce and near boiling point because what the call had caused me to lose.

" Mr Roberts, its Detective James Moore. I'm calling to inform you that we have had a breakthrough in the investigation of the assault case of your fiancée Nevaeh Williams. I would like to discuss this information with you at the station in person rather than over the phone." The line went silent for a few moments as my mind began to run wild due to what I had just heard. Had they found him?

Were they questioning him in that very moment while we spoke on the phone? I couldn't stop thinking about what would come next. I had been conversing with Detective James Moore in regards to the investigation and to hear from him again only sent me into a frenzy.

" Mr Roberts are you there?" I heard the detective ask, and I shook my head quickly to rid myself of my rapid thoughts and sighed heavily.

" Yes, yes, I'm here. When do you want me to come down to the station?" I asked, now wiping my hands over the material of my pants as they became clammy due to what I was thinking.

" As soon as possible. There is much we need to discuss with you." After a few more quick arrangements with the detective, I ended the call and breathed out a huge breath of air. I sat back in my chair and tried to calm myself. I had been waiting now for nearly two weeks for information from the police of their investigation, and each and every time, which had only been a few calls, with any lead they had, for some reason they had not been able to locate Jonathan. All they had to go off was the evidence they had acquired through Nevaeh's medical examination and with that evidence all we could do was wait for DNA matches and results.

It had been more than a hellish two weeks for me, and Nevaeh was the only thing in my mind. I simply longed to be with her, with most times I could only hide away.

I continued to calm myself, and after fifteen minutes I decided to brave what was waiting for me down at the police station for the sake of justice for Nevaeh.

In what felt like no time at all, I found myself at the police station, and greeted by the detective who I had been speaking with. He was a man of a middle age, with a no nonsense look about him, and a very commanding presence. His expression as he greeted me was stern and serious. He had frown lines etched on his brown, showing that his line of work was taking it's toll on his features. He had dark hair, nearly black in colour and dark brown eyes. He led me away from the reception area and into a small room with a desk, and computer, and a few filing cabinets.

After I sat down, unable to take my eyes from him, and waited impatiently for him to begin, he looked at me with somber eyes that sparked with hope.

" We have received the results of Nevaeh's medical examination, to say the least there was only two main pieces of evidence that have aided us in the investigation. Traces of DNA as you know were extracted from under her fingernails, and the hair follicles discovered at the scene of the crime when you had first reported the attack have proven to belong to a caucasian male." As he spoke, memories of that day returned to me in a rapid torrent of relentless images. Everything that day had seemed to unfold in an extremely slow progression to me, and yet the pace of which the police force and forensics worked within the crime scene was done so in a whirlwind of complete urgency.

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