Chapter Six

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I waited patiently in front of the large clock made of various coloured flowers, staring at the iron statue of a man mounted on his horse, my mind was a rapid jumble of what the night would bring. Ten minutes had passed by as I waited, wishing for Nevaeh to appear, and with each minute that passed I grew more anxious. There had been many times in the last ten minutes that I had to stop my mind from getting the best of me. I was continually worried about her standing me up as the minutes continued to fly by.

Finally I saw her, and my heart leapt in my chest, giving way to a bolt that pulsed through out my whole body. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she looked at the garden that surrounded her. She looked like she was at ease and content within them as she gazed around her .

I couldn't help but drink in her image with my eyes as she seemed to approach me so very slowly, it felt as if my own mind had slowed down time itself from the moment she graced my line of sight. She was wearing a delicate black, flowing knee high dress, with shoestring straps, much like the one I had first imagined the night where my fantasy of her had claimed me, which hugged her upper body beautifully. Her breasts were perfectly outlined by the material of her dress, and I found it difficult to look away.

In my mind I imagined what she looked like underneath, the image of her caused me to grin with satisfaction. At her waist the dress gathered, showing off her perfect frame, then flowed gracefully and fluttered slightly in the warm, gentle breeze. Her black shoes resembled the likes of ballet shoes, and with the silk of the material lacing quarter the way up her calfs. I could have believed that they actually were ballet shoes. She wore her hair down, the waving curls danced upon her shoulders and it shinned in the sunlight. I longed to run my hands through her hair, imaging it to feel so soft and silky between my fingers. She looked every bit the ballet dancer, and I was curious to know if she in actual fact was one or merely liked the style she was wearing

As she was closing the gap between us, I quickly glanced down at my own attire, hoping that my black shirt and jeans were not too casual in appearance for our date. I had changed a few times, due to feeling unsure of what she would have worn for the night and I didn't want to dress too formal myself.

I shrugged slightly, unconcerned by the way I looked, and smiled warmly at her as she made eye contact with me and came to stand before me. I grinned as a thought entered my mind and I opened my mouth to greet her.

" Nice, did you just come from a ballet rehearsal?" I teased gently, as I waved my hand up and down between us signally at her attire. I watched her laugh at my words and shyly look down at herself. She pushed her hair behind her ear with her right hand as she did, and then looked up at me, her cheeks flushing before she gave me a shy smile.

" No, this is the kind of thing I always wear. You should see what I wear on the weekends when I'm not working, you'd really see something then." She played back with me in return. I couldn't help but laugh at her response, and decided to continue to play with her further.

" Well if the night turns out to be purely enjoyable for us both, we shall have to organise another date over the weekend, just so I can find out." I couldn't take my eyes from her for a second as she simply smiled at me and nodded her head. In a sense, her slight return of playful banter had made it too easy for me to set up a future rendezvous.

" You look amazing." I complimented her honestly, for she actually did. Still I believed that no matter what she wore, I was positive that she always would. I watched her bow her head again shyly, smiling faintly, and I was finding I simply adored this small aspect about her each time she reacted that way.

" Thank you." She replied in a near hushed whisper, as she locked her eyes on mine, the faint blush upon her cheeks had not disappeared even as I slightly bowed my head at her in a gesture to show that she was welcome, and held out my arm for her to take.

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