Chapter Fourteen

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" Nevaeh!" I called out, as Nevaeh neared the entrance of the art gallery, my mind was in a panic, and all I could do was wonder what Claudia had said to her in order for her to leave without a single word to me.

" Nevaeh wait!" I called again, and sighed thankfully when she suddenly stopped just before she had exited the building. She stood before me keeping her back to me, her head bowed low as I closed the space between us.

" Neveah" I said as I reached her, my hand taking a hold of her arm and gently turning her around to face me.

" What happened?" I asked, as she continued to keep her eyes from me. My heart was pounding, and it was simply due to the fact that I was frightened that I could be losing her due to whatever was said between her and Claudia. Slowly she raised her eyes to me and sighed deeply.

" Cael it's been a long night. I simply wish to go home." She told me, but I wasn't about to give in to her that easy.

" Nevaeh please, talk to me, what did Claudia say to you?" I was nervous when it came to the answer. I knew that Claudia could be malicious if she wanted to be, and something deep inside me told me that she had been ruthless to Nevaeh due to her actions.

I could only watch her stare up at me, her eyes questioning me with an expression of serious sadness sweeping over her facial features.

" Talk to me." I begged her in a soft tone, hoping that she would turn to me not from me. I didn't want to lose her, not now. Not after the things I had been feeling with her. I was only now beginning to see why she was so different from the rest. She was what I had unknowingly been searching for. Before her I had been living a lie, and it was only now that I was able to see it. She held my gaze and opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again.

" It's alright Neveah, tell me." I pleaded again, and she sighed softly.

" It's silly Cael, I let her get to me. It doesn't matter what she said. I know it's not true." She told me, leaving me to wonder more about what she was trying to tell me.

" What's not true?" I asked, bracing myself for worst. I watched her stare at me as if it was causing her a great deal of trouble to admit what had been said by Claudia.

" That you only like to have your way with women, nothing more, and when you've had them you lose interest." She admitted, and I sighed heavily. I knew my past would eventually rise up to beat me down when it came to Nevaeh. I couldn't deny that before I knew her, all I had wanted was to get her into bed, but I never wanted her to know what I was truly like.

I had never been more ashamed of my actions with women then I did in that moment with her standing in front of me, and all I wanted to do was to be honest with her. All I could hope was that she wouldn't turn away from me. She had to know the truth, and yet I was wondering how much I was actually willing to tell her, especially when it came to my chase of her.

" What she said is true Nevaeh." I told her, hanging my head in sad shame, now unable to look at her.

" So does that mean you don't actually care about me? That you only wanted me....." My eyes shot up to meet hers instantly, making me stop her before she could finish, not wanting her to misunderstand what I was saying to her.

" No, Nevaeh, that's who I was......before I.......before I met you. " I admitted truthfully, holding her gaze as she stared back at me, a skeptical expression washed over her face.

" Who you were? What do you mean before you met me?" She asked me, and I ran my hand through my hair unsure of how to answer. I needed time. I didn't want to say anything that would cause her to turn from me. I needed to make her understand me well if there was any chance of us ever becoming more.

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