Chapter Seventeen

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Nevaeh stood there smiling at me with a nervous and unsure expression flashing over her facial features, fidgeting and bouncing from foot to foot as I turned to look at her.

" Are you sure about this Cael. I mean really sure about this." She asked me, staring at me closely, watching my expression for any signs of hesitation in regards to my decision. I placed the two bags she had brought over to my apartment down and walked over to her slowly, taking her face gently into my hands, and stared deeply into her eyes before I answered her.

" Yes, I'm sure. I want to know that you will be safe. I don't want you to be alone, It's my responsibility to protect you Nevaeh." I told her honestly, and kissed her passionately to prove to her how much I meant my words.

Four weeks had passed since she had told me the truth about her past with her ex, and I had spent most of the nights staying over at her apartment, not wanting her to be alone and convincing her to come and stay with me.

I still hadn't had the chance to tell her about my own truth. Within the fact of her truth coming to light, mine seemed to fade away into the background, and also with my realisation of the fact that I was in love with her, I was now fearful of losing her if I were to open up to her fully.

I wanted to be everything she had never had, everything she had always wanted. I wanted to fulfil every dream, every desire, help to make her know that she would never have to walk alone again and make her feel safe. I never knew I could have felt the way I did about a woman as I did with her. I didn't even seem to care how short the time frame had been between the very first moment we spoke up until that point. My heart seemed to swell and ache with the love I was feeling for her every time I looked at her.

I never knew I was capable of giving a woman what she needed most, and found how easy it was to give her everything she needed within my love for her.

It seemed as if it had happen so fast to me, yet the more I pondered the speed of my falling for her, the more I realised how much I have been fighting against my feelings. I couldn't believe that she had started out to be nothing more than a single conquest to me, only to find that I needed her in my life with every beat of my heart, and I feared that if she ever left, my life would cease to matter. She had become my weakness and I, her strength, and there was nothing that I would let come between us.

I lifted her into my arms, holding the side of her firmly against me and kissed her fully, pushing my tongue into her mouth, yearning to taste her, to explore her as I turned and carried her toward my bedroom.

" What are you doing." She asked me, after she pulled her head away from me, a cheeky grin spread across my face as I brought my lips to her neck right under her right ear.

" I want to make love to you." I told her, and kissed my way down her neck, stopping only a few centimetres above her breasts. Yet hearing the words come out of my mouth surprised me, and yet they felt so right and natural to say. In the past before her with every other woman I had simply said that I wanted to fuck them.

" Do I have your permission." I asked her, and she smiled sweetly at me.

" When you do what you do to me, yes, of course you do. I want you to take me whenever you want." She replied, as she entwined her fingertips through my hair.

" Do you promise." I asked her in a hushed whisper, waiting on baited breath for her answer.

" Yes. I promise. You can have me any time you like, no matter the time of day or night. Just simply take me." She said, as I walked into the bedroom, striding over to the bed quickly and laid her down gently underneath me.

I took my time with her slowly again. Loving her tenderly, showing my love for her in my every action, even if my lips could not tell her just yet, although my heart was dying to let my emotions out.

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