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Tammy was surprised by my last minute visit. I had turned up at the club in a curly black wig and leather jacket, I had to admit I looked like a young Cher.

I had sat by the familiar stage, memories flooded back to me. Some of the happiest and loneliest times of my life were spent under the fluorescent lights. I had always hated how the harsh lights had heated my skin to the point where sweat flooded into my eyes. I had never felt more sexy than I did when I was up there, I could still remember the adrenaline that shot through my veins.

I never thought back then that I would be where I was today. I enough money to last me the rest of my life, a wonderful home and a flourishing career. Only 7 years ago I was struggling to get by my kitchen cupboards consisted of a tin of soup and some peanut butter that was past it's best.

I knew I wouldn't be where I was and the person I was if were not for my humble beginning and the people who had supported me along the way. I knew I was lucky I think that's where I differed from some of the other celebrities. I had literally started from the bottom.

I walked to the familiar bar and ordered a glass of wine. I didn't recognise the barman. I had hoped to see Javier but he wasn't there. I sipped at the wine and cringed as the bitter taste invaded my tongue. I turned my nose in disgust at the cheap wine. I found myself laughing at my snobbish behaviour , I liked to think the money didn't change me but I guess it had. I had become accustomed to the finer things in life, I liked a good bottle of wine and I knew what to order in five star restaurants.

As much as I didn't want to believe it I was different , I had experienced the finer things in life. I would never be able to go back to life before I had money, I really wasn't the same person. I sat back in the wood chairs and watched as a red head swung around the pole. Pippy longstocking had as much grace as a giraffe on skates. The large breasts that were snug in her bra made up for her lack of dancing talent.

I had sat and watched the dancers for an hour until a high pitch laugh caught my attention. I looked to the entrance and saw Tammy dressed in pink leggings and a tight white shirt. Age would never change how she dressed, I hoped she would never change. I watched her suck on her pink cigarette, her mouth wrinkled as she took a large drag.

I left my drink and sauntered over to where she was stood , I stared at her and waited for her to recognise me.

A small frown settled on her face, there was a small v on her brow. "Can I help you"

"It's a nice place you've got here, I don't think much to the wine thought" I replied in a mock Texan accent that mirrored her own.

"There's nothing wrong with our wine" Tammy sounded insulted, I couldn't help but to torment her.

"It's a little robust for me, I'm more partial to a softer California grape" I said repeating a line from my favourite childhood film.

"Your from California, that's explains the atrocious accent. Let me guess your a wannabe actress" Tammy huffed.

I smiled at her, I could see she was more than a little annoyed.

"I wouldn't say a wannabe, I am quite well known"

A harsh sarcastic laugh left Tammy, "I'm sure ,will I have seen you in anything"

Her voice was dripping with fake interest I should have felt guilty for toying with her but I didn't.

"I assure you that you have seen every important role I have played" I replied in my own tongue before I removed the wig.

Tammys eyes almost popped out of her head, she looked me up and down and let out a huge squeal. "Oh my baby is home, Emily darling. You had me going, I was close to scratching your eyes out"

I put my arms around her and rested my head in her large chest, I sobbed happily into her. I had missed Tammy, she had been like a mother to me.

"Hush child why are you crying" her tone was soft and quiet.

"I missed you" I stuttered.

"Keith this is my baby Emily, bring us a bottle of champagne and two glasses." Tammy declared as she led me to the bar.

We sat and drank and talked about old times. It was what I needed, I needed to be with family. The bar had become busier so I had placed the heavy wig back on my head. I was in new York to see my friends not to be bothered by any paparazzi.

Tammy had become so talkative, it was like we hadn't spoken in years.

"I saw Andrew last week" Tammy declared from no where.

The sound of his name sent a shiver down my spine. I recalled the last time I had seen him in Miami.

"Oh" I replied simply.

"He works for his brothers painting company, he came and asked me for a job. The nerve of him" the distaste in her voice was obvious.

I listened as she told me of how he had grovelled. He had told her that he was a different person, he claimed that he had received help to change. I had no interest in hearing about my abusive ex but I didn't stop her.

A small growling noise erupted from my stomach and I realised that I had not eaten all day. I had been drinking on an empty stomach and that wasn't the best of ideas.

"Tell me do frankie's still make the best hot dog" I asked as I rubbed my empty stomach.
It was almost midnight when Tammy and I were finally sat with a large artichoke pizza in her office . I sunk into the chair as I bit the beautiful slice.

"I missed this" I declared. It was true I had missed the food but I had also missed the friends who still lived in New York. If I wouldn't have got the job at the show I think I would have come home. I knew I still could move back but now Donnie was back in my life I wasn't sure I could be away from him.

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